152-The Unwanted yet Useful Ork Army

"Where did she go?" The Former Chief questioned while staring at the spot where Luna recently stood. Regina looked at the spot without any changes in her expression as she had already realized what Old Sis Luna meant by her words. Regina sighed as she replied to the question of her Father. 

"Old Sis Luna is planning to handle the Ork Army on her own." Regina's words echoed as the Former Chief nodded in understanding. Though, within the Former Chief's mind. He questioned whether Luna had enough power to fight against an Orkish Army alone. The next words of Regina completely stopped his worries. 

"No need to worry about Old Sis, Father. I can sense her confidence, and I am sure that alongside her Master. She had gotten through worse situations than this. Not only that, But I think that Old Sis Luna wants to show us her skill." Regina said with a calm voice. They can accurately guess the strength of Old Sis Luna's Master through Luna's power.