
Kofi was drenched in rain water but that did nothing to kill the fire of rage within her as she climbed out of the pit they'd thrown her to, " How dare you? And after I trusted you " [ Or at least the former owner of this body ]

Kofi removed the small tridents at her waist as she walked towards her enemy, " I'm not sure whether you're dumb or just naive Kofi ". She indeed felt dumb but not naive.

Pointing the trident at the man in front of her, closing the distance between them, lightning struck in the distance showing the evil grin on her face, " You must be even worse. You should be running for your life ".

The man scoffed lightly, " You can't kill me ". Kofi giggled, this idiot of a man always had a thing for making her laugh [ Does he really think I won't do it? ] " Do you know why fools die quickly ***** "?

The lights around the dark area suddenly appeared as helicopters and cars surrounded them both. Kofi tilted her head to the side, her wet red hair sticking to her scalp as she pointed her trident at him " They never see the grave in front of them ".

The man suddenly became nervous as he began yelling, " You've got nothing on me. You can't arrest me "! Kofi's smile didn't let up as she suddenly disappeared and appeared behind his back, with a trident to his neck.

" Who said anything about arresting you "? and pushed the tip closer to his throat as the other pushed into his temple. He screamed, trying to break free but Kofi had suddenly become so strong.

" Don't do it Kofi,I'm the only one that knows where your brother is ". Kofi hesitated slightly but suddenly laughed, " You should have thought of that before you went against me ".

The transmitter in Kofi's ear began screaming out someone's voice, " Don't you dare Domino! This wasn't part of the deal ". Kofi pouted slightly as she looked up at the helicopter that was quickly approaching.

She slit the man's throat and threw him aside. Kofi threw him aside and shrugged " Opsie, my hand slipped ". A ladder was thrown down and Kofi took it calmly as she sent a salute, " You hired me to find him? You never said to hand him over ".

Kofi's laugh could be heard as her helicopter flew off, " The God slayers don't give refunds either ". The man who was in one of the cars stepped out and threw his headphones on the ground, obviously frustrated " Damn you Domino ".

The place was silent, the storm almost over. The man with sharp piercing blue eyes screamed at the top of his lungs, " What are you standing around for? Go get her. The other half, clean this mess ".