Chapter 8 : No idiots, no stress.

Peach slowly opened her eyes and frowned. She felt oddly light as if she was being carried by someone. She looked up and saw Kofi who was lazily looking ahead, " You're awake ". Peach nodded [ Wait! I can't let my guard down ]

" What's the meaning of this? Put me down ". Kofi stopped in her tracks and sighed, she removed her hands making Peach fall " If that's what you want ". Peach glared at Kofi who was dusting off her hands.

" I'll see you around I guess ", Peach really didn't get this girl but she feared the little fox staring at her even more. It was like it could see right into her very soul. By the time she snapped out of it, Kofi was already walking off.

Peach quickly scrambled to her feet and yelled out, clenching her fists " Why did you help me "? Kofi stopped and looked over her shoulder, a playful smirk on her lips " Would you believe I just wanted to? And besides, he tried to tell me what to do ".

[ That makes no logical sense ] but Kofi had already continued walking, catching her fox in her hands and laughing with it. Peach felt even more confused as she clenched her fists and filled with determination, " She still helped me. I must return the favour ".

Kofi was pleasantly surprised when she got to her dorms or at least that's what Domino told her. Kofi pointed at the mansion like building with a smile on her face " We're gonna live here. Can you believe it Whiskers "?

Whiskers nodded mildly, " I've never seen you so excited about anything besides ammo before ". Kofi pouted slightly, flipping her hair " That was before I realized buildings could look so pretty. I hope the inside is just as pretty ".

There were a few people in the lobby but she needed directions to her room. The instructor had told them to meet in the garden area after sunset and Kofi still wanted to do a little exploring before then.

The room was spacious with a balcony as well. The place itself was plain with only a bed in the corner and a bathroom. Kofi clicked her tongue and rubbed her chin, " I don't like how plain it looks. Buy some stuff to put in it Domino ".

Domino displayed a hologram in front of Kofi and she giggled to herself as she picked random things after Domino explained what they were to her. Whiskers sighed as he looked up at Kofi " Is it too late to get a new master "?

Whiskers wondered out of the room and out of the dorm. Unlike Kofi who was lazy and allergic to unnecessary work, it was still his job to keep her safe and searching the perimeter was extremely important, especially if someone was trying to kill you every time you looked over your shoulder.

But due to his lack of energy, he couldn't even do a ten mile security sweep so he had to do it manually. He'd barely gotten far when he was picked up. At first, he even thought it was Kofi but it definitely didn't sound like her, " What's a fur ball like you doing on campus "?

Whiskers was visibly annoyed but didn't speak as the young man scratched his chin, " Cute little guy like you could be useful for experiments ". Whiskers frowned slightly, [ I don't like the sound of that ]

" You'll have to find another lab rat twerp " Whiskers had never been more relieved to see or hear Kofi's voice before. The boy smirked as he looked Kofi up and down. She'd changed into a sleeveless pink top and black biker shorts with boots.

" You're right, would you help this young master ". Kofi felt disgusted and it must have shown as she walked closer and pushed him backwards. He lost his balance and let go of Whiskers.

Kofi calmly caught him and used her other hand to push him down. She sighed, looking down at him as she pinched her cheek " Dealing with idiots like you only increases my stress levels ".