Chapter 14 : Trust fall.

Peach screamed as she felt the world rush past her. Flailing her hands and legs, she was pulled back by something. Looking up, she realized it was a parachute. Something darted past her and towards Chase who had gone incredibly still.

She realized it was Kofi as she pulled the string and released the parachute. Kofi looked so serious as she free fell, still holding her fox with one hand [ She's probably done this a lot ]

She suddenly frowned, looking around them as she yelled " Where the hell is Dylan "? Peach and Chase looked around and saw him. He was holding on to the parachute for dear life but he seemed to be in a daze. Kofi groaned with frustration as she pulled herself to his direction. Whiskers looked up at her," He's not himself Kofi ".

Kofi nodded suddenly hugging him from behind as she pulled the string of her parachute. Whispers simply sat on his head while Kofi's chest prevented him from falling." Dylan, I need you to work with me "! She shook him lightly, " Dylan, wake up "!

Meanwhile, all Dylan could hear was a constant ringing in his ear. [ Millie come back ] Just like now, when Kofi pushed him out of the plane. The same way he'd lost his elder sister a year ago.

Her smiling face appeared in his mind as she fell backwards, flailing her hands and legs as if she could miraculously stop herself from falling. He felt something shaking him as he broke out of the daze.

" Dylan snap out of it "! Realizing someone was holding him up, he looked up at Kofi " Do you know how heavy you get when gravity's pulling you down "? [ She's reckless and a danger to everyone around her... ]

Kofi whined harder as if reading his thoughts, " Okay, I'm sorry. Can you not kill both of us now "? Dylan smiled [ .... but she seems to know what she's doing ] and nodded. Kofi heaved a sigh of relief, letting him go.

Dylan pulled the string of his parachute and they continued their descent into the obstacle course. Peach could feel her adrenaline pumping as she raised her hands in the air, " That was awesome "! Chase nodded in agreement, super serious " Can we do that again "?

Peach and Dylan frowned, looking at each other " Absolutely not "! while Kofi said " Definitely ". There was silence in their circle for a few seconds and they all burst out laughing.


Byran coughed, banging his chest to stop himself from choking as he pointed at the screen " She just jumped out of the plane. She's crazy. She's reckless, she's my newest disciple "! Hawk frowned, clearing the mess Byran made on the table " Absolutely not ".

Byran took a deep breath, rubbing his chin " She's really smart to. Figured out the trick behind the obstacle course pretty quickly ". Hawk furrowed his brows, " She's a strange one ".

Byran nodded, agreeing with him " She's quite well prepared, in this impulsive crazy kind of way ". Hawk sighed, looking at Kofi who had managed to break Dylan out of his daze, " She's dangerous Byran ".

Byran spun in his chair, looking at Kofi who was smiling with Dylan " You're right. She's exactly what we need ". The serious atmosphere was suddenly broken as Byran got up and slammed the table, pointing at Kofi's team " I've decided! I'm taking this team under my wing ".

Hawk groaned, rubbing his temples " Didn't you listen to anything I said "? Byran still smiling, made a determined pose, " I certainly did and I just called dibs ".