Chapter 20 : I should stop being surprised.

Kofi was in a pair of black dungarees with a brown shirt underneath, she also had on a pair of black army boots. Peach was in black leather pants and a sleeveless brown turtleneck with brown ankle boots.

Dylan looked at his reflection in the lake and was stubbornly satisfied [ I dunno what I'm doing anymore ] Kofi was just giving out clothes from nowhere so he guessed she must have had a storage tool on her, which would explain where the guns came from last night.

She insisted they wear brown and black since she thought it'd be cute. Since they're other clothes were wet, they simply went along with it. He had on black jeans and a big brown hoodie which hid his silver thread and sneakers.

Chase was in brown jeans and a black long sleeved shirt and black high tops. Kofi tilted her head to the side when she saw Peach messing with her hair, " What are you doing "?

She looked up from her reflection in the lake, " Huh? I'm trying to pack my hair up ". Kofi tried to imitate Peach but couldn't. Dylan clicked his tongue, " It's not that hard to make a bun you monkey ".

She looked at her reflection and was surprised by how her hair seemed to disappear [ I've never had my hair like this before ] She touched her head lightly and looked at her reflection, " My hair looks like a bread bun ".

Dylan cleared his throat, " If you don't like it.... ". She shook her head, " I look so cute ". She suddenly hugged Chase, " Does it look cute Chase "? He turned red [ Too close ] and nodded.

Peach laughed and Kofi suddenly pulled her up, " Do Peach's too ". He raised an eyebrow and Peach shook her head, " I don't think that's a good idea ". Dylan nodded in agreement and Kofi wiggled her eyebrows, " I promise I'll behave ".

He closed his eyes and looked away, " Not gonna work ". She smiled teasingly, " You sure "? He opened one eye, " For how long "? She held out her right hand, " For five checkpoints worth ".

He looked at her, " Really ". Kofi nodded, putting an arm over Peach's shoulder " Of course. Do we have a deal "? Dylan nodded and Kofi hugged Peach, " Okay. Hurry up ".

Peach tried to refuse, " I still don't think this is necessary ". Dylan sighed as he undid the bun she'd made, " You'd look better with double buns ". She pursed her lips and let him do her hair [ Dylan Omenio is really doing my hair. ]


" Why not just attack them now "? The one that spoke dropped the binoculars and looked at the squad leader who shook his head, " Boss said to treat them like real enemies ".

He nodded, " I still can't believe they managed to eliminate Squad Jipu ". The boss looked at him seriously, " That's why we take them seriously ". Another member suddenly added, " They're gone commander ".

The squad leader looked up and saw they where gone. He jumped up quickly and whispered harshly, " Don't just sit around. After them you fools ".


Kofi had taken it upon herself to teach Chase how to climb and jump trees. They'd been at it for ten minutes now and Chase seemed to be getting the hang of it too. Dylan looked at Peach who was constantly following the jumping pair with her eyes and was surprised.

He thought he'd be pulling their weight but it seemed like Kofi was doing all the heavy lifting, even giving these two a much needed confidence boost; both in themselves and their abilities.

" Dylan "? He glanced at Peach who was looking at him, " What "? She pursed her lips slightly, " I was just wondering, why aren't you with the rest of your actual team "? He smiled and she quickly added, " Was that a personal question? You don't have to answer ".

He shrugged, " I got kicked out. But honestly, I'm actually kinda glad ". Peach tilted her head to the side, " Really "? He nodded, looking up at Kofi who had pushed Chase off a branch " Listen to your instincts already ".

He looked back at her, still smiling " Yeah. I got an even better team right now ". He heard a gun being loaded and felt a cold barrel being put to his head, " Such a touching moment ". There was a gun shot and Peach screamed, covering her ears.

When she opened them, it wasn't Dylan on the floor. They looked up and saw Chase with an annoyed expression on his face, " And you just had to ruin it ". Dylan looked at the hole through the man's temple and was honestly surprised [ Didn't think he had it in him ]

Peach kicked the body aside, " Serves you right, asshole ". Again he was surprised [ I should really start expecting the unexpected from these guys ] Kofi hugged Chase to the tree, avoiding a shot aimed for his side and smiled as she removed her trident, " That was an awesome one liner by the way ".