Chapter 27 : Nothing like themselves.

Jubilee glanced at Kofi who was talking with the fox in her lap [ She looks so familiar ] The girl seemed so unfazed by everything and the way she carried herself showed she was used to it.

She shook her head, dispersing the thought [ All the people I know aren't this hardcore ] She glanced at Dylan who was being bombarded with questions from the others and bit her thumb.

" You seem a little tense ". She looked at Chase who had been quietly sitting next to her the entire time and frowned, " Mind your own business ". Chase smiled slightly, " If you're going to be a constant pain till we get back, it becomes my business ".

Chase crossed his arms, slouching even lower and remaining unfazed by the glare she gave him " I'm kinda trying to celebrate the whole not dying thing so if you could be a bummer another time. It would be appreciated ".


Kofi fought back the urge to laugh. She'd been able to reach level fifteen thanks to the whole ordeal. Though she was barely up to a quarter of her former strength, it was a start and now she could unlock the features master put in place.

He was always trying to make her learn and liked to ramble on about something he called Biology. She didn't care much for it but since he liked it, she was willing to listen to him talk about it all day.

She frowned when she couldn't remember anything else [ That feeling of forgetting something important is back and why do I keep forgetting what this master og mine even looks like? ] Shrugging it of, she looked around the room and tried to think [ There were skulls on those uniforms and I do remember seeing something like that in some of the owner's memories ]

She sighed as she hugged Whiskers close [ The question now is who had it on? They also mentioned something about an Atrotar jade and it sounded familiar too ] She groaned in frustration, " When did my memory get so bad "?

Dylan smirked, " Maybe when you were messing around those trees ". She smiled innocently, " Don't think I won't throw you out of this chopper Omenio ". Dylan smiled mockingly, " I'd like to see you try Flinn ". Kofi smirked, " Wanna bet on it "?

Both Chase and Peach jumped to their feet, scolding the pair " Don't even think about it ". Peach pointed her finger at them sternly, " Just sit quietly and think of what you've said ".

The others were surprised but the two suddenly went quiet, muttering to themselves. Chase shook his head in annoyance, " You two are more than a handful ". Peach laughed nervously, " We're really sorry about these two ".


Cassie couldn't believe what was going on. She knew Peach, she was the timid and talentless daughter of the Rifnik family. But she'd just killed more than a few people, taken two bullets and was scolding two of the most potentially dangerous people she had come to know.

And what's worse was how they listened. She'd grown up with Dylan and she wasn't used to seeing him like this. He was always quiet and very stubborn, but he'd just teased that Kofi girl and listened to Peach.

Even Chase, she'd seen him a few times at the Imlarna house but he was always hiding and he seemed far from confident. But now he had a slightly annoyed expression after scolding the two, nothing like what she remembered.

[ I'll have to do my research again ] Kofi suddenly looked at her and smiled, " I'd prefer if you didn't make your thoughts so obvious. Irritates me so much, I think I might kill you ". Cassie found herself shuddering [ Such an imposing aura ] but Dylan pinched her cheeks, " I can't let you do that. She's my friend ".

Kofi glanced at Dylan and smiled through pulled cheeks [ I guess I can't kill the friend of a friend ] " I was kidding ". Peach shook her head tiredly, " No, you weren't ". Chase nodded in agreement and Kofi pouted as he let go of her cheeks, " Am I so dangerous in your minds "?

Chase nodded in agreement, " Yes, very ". She pouted even more and Peach patted her head, " But you're our friend so we don't mind ". Kofi nodded, " Only you get me ". She suddenly turned to Hawk, " Instructor Scarface, can Peach and I be roommates "?

Odette thought back a smile while Byran laughed. Hawk took a deep breath and suppressed his anger [ Scarface? ] " I'm not sure, you've already been assigned rooms anyways ". Odette suddenly butt in, " But we could make an exception, right honey "?

Byran stopped laughing and nodded, " Of course. Anything you want sweetie ". Peach was so excited and hugged her, " This is gonna be fun ". They both winced in pain and let go. They looked at each other and laughed again.

Hawk internally groaned as he looked at the people in the chopper and face palmed himself [ This is gonna be a very very long year ]