Chapter 32 : You get what you pay for.

" Were you able to get the jade "? Captain sighed as he threw the metal suitcase across the table, " Of course. You always get what you pay for ". Retoph caught the case and opened it.

The jade seemed to shine and only made his satisfied smile more alluring, " Wonderful ". He closed the case just as quickly, his face back to its usual blank expression, " Pleasure doing business with you ".

Caption nodded as he got up, " I probably won't be able to stop you. But if you're planning some sort of world destruction, do give me a heads up ". Retoph ran his hand through his raven black hair and his golden eyes seemed to glow as he smiled again, " Of course Cap. And I won't forget to give you that your five star rating ".

Captain nodded and opened the door, he glanced at him and he thought he saw some sort of sadness hidden under all that rage. He shook his head and closed the door, muttering to himself " It's none of my business anyways ".


Byran sniffed slightly, " So much money, gone ". Odette patted his back gently, " Don't think too much of it. It was a good deal ". He looked up at her, slightly teary eyed " I know. My wallet just feels very light ".

Hawk sighed, " Can you quit being such a baby? I just got word from Captain ". Byran suddenly frowned, " The nerve of the bastard ". Odette held his hand gently, " You need to calm down. Weren't you worried about your money a second ago "?

Byran nodded, calming down in the process [ My hard earned money ] " What does he want "? Hawk held out his phone, " Apparently to apologize for breaking and entering ". Byran jumped to his feet, " His gotten bolder, needs a proper beating ".

Odette twitched slightly as she spoke, trying to suppress her anger " Sit down and no more outbursts ". Byran quickly sat down, " Don't get all worked up sweetie ". Hawk cleared his throat [ Such a shameless henpecked husband ] " If you'd let me finish.....He's trying to apologize for what happened to our student as well ".

Bryan folded his hands, resisting the urge to yell again " What else does it say "? Hawk went on dryly, " That he's willing to pay for damages as well ". Byran instantly calmed down and smiled from ear to ear, " How much "?

Hawk cringed slightly as he took a step back, " Asked us to send the bill over ". Byran laughed victoriously, " Then we will not pursue the matter ". Odette sighed as she slapped him hard across the face, " Your behavior is disgusting and far beneath you ".

He rubbed his cheek [ Doesn't actually hurt as much as it's supposed to though ] Hawk chuckled as he gave Odette a thumbs up, " Good job 'Det ". Odette sighed as she got up, " Being around you two really wears me out. I'm going back to the lab ".


" Yes father, I won't disappoint you ". Mordecai took in a deep breath as he looked in the mirror after ending the call, mumbling to himself " What am I even doing here? I miss my real room too ".

The image of his mother's smiling face flashed through his mind [ I know you can do this ] and he sighed, " Right, I'm here to make momma happy ". He felt his determination grow as he calmed down and it showed in his reflection, especially his sea green eyes.

Walking out of the bathroom, he shook his head and the water in his platinum blonde going with it. " I need to find grandfather an awesome gift ". He groaned to himself, " How do I do that? The man has everything ".

He sighed as he put on a pair of black sweats and a hoodie, " Let's just make an effort and prepare for another embarrassment ". Opening his room door, he could hear the swinging of the punching bag in the training hall and yelled out.

" Do you need me to bring you anything Jubilee "? The punching stopped and she popped out with a bright smile, " I want ice cream and lots of honey ". He sighed as he shook his head, " You know you're not meant to have sweets since it's your time of the month and everything ".

She frowned as she disappeared, yelling out " I hate you "! He chuckled to himself as he walked to the front door, " She's always so moody. The most miserable five days of the month for both of us ".

When he opened his door, the one opposite his opened as well [ Huh? Guess we finally have a neighbor ] A mass of bright red hair soon filled the front door then she looked up and smiled at him, " Hello ".