Chapter 36 : The night market.

Kofi was surprised by the bustling streets when the taxi stopped. She ran out and her mouth formed a big 0 as she looked around. She was about to run into the crowd of people when Chase caught her by the waist.

" Please calm down Kofi. We need to stick together to find the night market ". Dylan had settled the driver while Peach was trying to figure out where they should go first. Kofi stopped struggling with Chase as she looked around again, " Why is it called the night market anyways "?

Dylan smiled, " Cos the real fun starts after dark " [ And that's when it's possible to find it ] She raised her hands high then suddenly tilted her head to the side, " What's fun? I want it "! Peach laughed, " We'll show you. The night market opens in five minutes ".

She looked up at the sky and realized it was suddenly getting dark [ Very different from Delvara ] She frowned slightly, looking back at Chase " You're a lot stronger than you look too ".

Chase looked away [ Way too close but there's nothing else I can do ] " Can you please not run away if I let go ". She nodded and he loosened his grip around her, she tried to make a dash for it but he stopped her.

Slightly angry, he looked down at her " You said you wouldn't run off. What do I have to do to keep you from running off "? She smiled innocently, " I think you people call it a piggy back ride ".


" Yay, aren't you a good grandson "? Lloyd pursed his lips and folded his arms while his grandma pinched his cheek [ How did I fall for that again ] " Where in town are you hoping to go "?

Adele smiled brightly, the few wrinkles on her face disappearing " The Fosmioa auction house. Maybe I'll even find a present for your grandpa while I'm there ". Lloyd mumbled to himself as the car started to move.

Mordecai remained silent and went stiff as he sat in the front passenger seat [ I should have stayed home. What did I get myself into anyways? ]


Chase had no choice but to carry Kofi. She was light and stayed true to her word but he felt she was just messing with him. She pointed at some cotton candy, making him stop " What's that "?

Peach looked at it and smiled, " It's cotton candy ". Kofi patted Chase shoulder lightly, " I want some, can I have some "? Dylan sighed as he bought it, one for each of them.

Chase put her down and she put the tip of her tongue to it, " It's so sweet ". She bit into it happily [ It just melts in my mouth ] She turned to Peach excitedly, " What else can we eat "? Chase pointed at a smoothie stand and she ran towards it, the others going after her " This place is awesome ".


Mordecai left the car immediately it stopped, being around his step brother always suffocated him. Though Lloyd wasn't mean, he wasn't friendly either. He was cold and distant and that always made him uncomfortable to be around.

" I'll see you later grandma. I hope you find grandpa an awesome gift ". Blending into the crowd as he jogged off, he sighed " I should be telling myself that ".


Kofi moved her tongue around the bubble gum Dylan gave her and was surprised when Peach started blowing bubbles with her gum, " Wow. How do you do that "? Peach smiled, making another one " It's easy, you just flatten it out with your tongue, put it between your teeth and give a little push with your tongue, blow and the rest is history ".

Kofi looked at her, her hands and mouth covered in gum as she frowned " This is not easy ". They all laughed and Chase helped clean her up, " How did this even happen "?

" Do you come to the night market often Peach "? Dylan asked as they walked. Peach nodded, glancing at Kofi " There's this big one in Lupart. I go every month " [ But my family doesn't know or I'd be dead ]

Dylan nodded as he looked at Kofi, " Should we tell her the night market is illegal "? Chase groaned in frustration as he wiped his face and she laughed. Peach shook her head lightly, " Maybe when she calms down ".

" Wanna see something even more amazing than bubblegum Fifi "? Kofi nodded, " Is there something more amazing than bubblegum and cotton candy "? Peach wrapped her arm around Kofi's neck and spread the other arm wide, " Welcome to the carnival ".