Chapter 38 : We're in trouble.

The night market, a place where the old ways of the twenty first century come to life. A place that seemed to have remained untouched by the chaos and change around it. A place that should not exist.

There were many scattered all over the country, hidden in plain sight or abandoned but in the past two years, it suddenly became more active and popular. Though the place didn't technically break the rules of the land, it was illegal.

President Valentino Evergreen detested the place as well, he believed it was corrupting the youth; exposing them to dangerous things and worst of all, wasting their ever so precious time they could be using on any form of self improvement.

Lloyd had met the man a few times and he was a very charismatic fellow. The only thing he loved more than efficiency was productivity and this place was not him at least. Being the nearest Officer to the location, Lloyd had naturally been assigned the task.

The plan was simple, shut it down and arrest the law breakers, from the shop owners to the customers and visitors who came here; no one was exempted. But the heart of the night market, the carnival was always the hardest to clean up.

Because of it's large size, it was easy for people to escape and if that happened, they'd set up camp somewhere else or worse, become an even bigger nuisance to society.

Lloyd put his hands in his pockets as he stepped into the carnival, his wine coat being held up by his broad shoulders and his soldiers swarming in. He tipped his black hat forward, shielding his wine red eyes as he smiled [ Times like this are when I love my job ] " Shut it down "!


Kofi and Chase had been banned from the booths since they kept winning. From ring toss to shoot the duckies and everything else in between. All their prizes were in Kofi's storage for safe keeping.

Dylan had gone bobbing for apples and won a large white teddy bear while Peach won a water drinking contest and got a wine glass collection decorated with different flowers.

It seemed pointless to Kofi but Peach seemed to be enjoying herself and she couldn't bring herself to ruin her parade. " We should get going soon. It's almost eight ". Kofi frowned as she looked at Chase " Are you always so prepared "?

Chase shrugged, " One of us has to be ". Kofi rolled her eyes as she pointed at the ferris wheel, " Can we at least go on it before we go "? Dylan raised an eyebrow, " Sure you can handle it "? Kofi nodded confidently, " I've been looking at it all night. It moves pretty slowly and it seems calming. Let's give it a go ".

They all ended up agreeing and went on the Ferris wheel. Kofi settled into her seat conveniently and had her head against the glass as she looked out the window, " This place looks prettier from up here ". Peach smiled contently, " I'm glad you like that ".

Kofi squinted as she tapped Dylan's thigh, " What's happening at the entrance? Is it part of the carnival "? With a bored expression, he looked out the window and suddenly frowned " Shit. How did they even find this place "?

Both Peach and Chase looked out the window and saw the soldiers already tearing down the stalls. Peach spoke in a panicked voice, " We're so dead ". Chase sighed as he tapped the glass, " We've got bigger problems ".

The man blocking the main entrance was in a very flashy wine red coat and Chase groaned, " Its the interrogator "!? Kofi couldn't see him clearly but his frame seemed so familiar to her [ My mem

" What exactly is going on "? Peach's panic only grew, " We're screwed. As in, I'm homeless. My father will disown me "! Chase was still tapping the glass, mumbling to himself " I'd be an even bigger disgrace for getting arrested. I'd probably never be able to show my face again the Yanchol house ".

Dylan was just laughing quietly to himself, " We're sooooo dead ". Though confused, Kofi was the only one not panicking and she had no idea what was happening so she couldn't come up with a plan.

Their box shook slightly as the lights in the carnival suddenly went out. Peach was already screaming but luckily Dylan covered her mouth " Don't bring our doom any closer ".

Kofi looked out and saw the man with his platinum blonde hair and it reminded her of her neighbour. Shaking the thought off, she calmed down [ Not very likely. He didn't seem like the gutsy tyrant type either ]

[ Master, you have about ten minutes before they realize there are people on this ferris wheel, you're basically sitting ducks. Plus, your friends still seem shocked by the recent development ]

Kofi found herself laughing sarcastically, " You think "? She looked around her, trying to think despite all the chaos around her but nothing came to mind. Massaging her temples as her friends quietly panicked, she had only one thought [ Crap ]