Chapter 66 : I'm bored.

Kofi had found some leftovers Chase had carefully packed away into the fridge. Kofi had been considerate enough to only take a little. She was thinking of what to do now that she was bored again.

That was when she noticed Chase who had been sleeping in the armrest peacefully. She made a cute face and suddenly nodded, " He's sleeping so soundly....I should wake him up ".

She was already creeping up on him when his phone began to ring. She nearly jumped as she picked the phone and tried to turn it off. When Chase finally stopped stirring, she took a deep breath.

" Hello "? She frowned as she realized she'd picked the call. Dylan furrowed his brows, turning over on the ground. She rushed back to the kitchen, " Who is this "? There was a sudden pause and Kofi removed the phone from her ear and looked at it irritatingly [ Is it broken? ]

" Are you a woman by any chance "? Kofi nodded as she spoke [ Hurry up! ] " Yeah. Do you have something to say "? There was another long silence and she twitched, forcing herself to calm down " I would like to speak with Master Chase ".

Kofi rolled her eyes [ I'd rather let him sleep ] " No. He's asleep ". The girl suddenly yelled in her ear, " What do you mean? Are you his girlfriend or something "? Kofi winced as she took the phone from her ear and put it back, " Girl friend "?

She suddenly smiled, her head going to the side as she stroked Whiskers, " Yeah, I am his girl friend. I still haven't gotten over the fact that... " The girl ended the call and she frowned, " The fact that we're friends ".

She pouted as she scratched Whiskers ears, " Chase knows some weird people ". Whiskers nodded and Kofi suddenly sighed loudly, " I'm bored again ". She suddenly lit up, picking Whiskers up " Let's try waking Chase up again ".

As she was about running back to the living room, she could hear a ruckus outside. With ears and curiosity piqued, she ran to the door " Sounds like a fight ". She closed her eyes, shaking her head " Three men. No, five men ".

She opened her eyes and raised Whiskers up to eye level, " Three are fighting while the other two are trying to separate them ". Whiskers frowned, shaking his little head " No, don't you even ".

Kofi smiled, reaching for the door again " But I'm so bored ". Whiskers ears went down in frustration as they stepped out into the hallway. Kofi suddenly sat in a lotus position in the middle of the hallway and smiled, " Now I'm not bored ".

Kofi recognized the mediators as Rider and Asher. Peach had talked about them a lot during their nail painting yesterday. The other two she'd also met, the one from the night market and the other from the auction.

Kofi squinted slightly, looking at the guy pressed against the elevator " He's the one that tried to take you away during orientation ". Whiskers glanced at him, " Oh yeah, he did seem like a creep ".

That was when the other door opened and Kofi smiled innocently, " Cai "! He furrowed his brows in confusion, " Kofi what are you doing on the floor "? And suddenly glanced at the elevator shaft, " What's going on "?

Kofi shrugged with a smile, " I don't know but it's very entertaining ". Jubilee followed behind him, very grumpy " What's all the noise about "? Mordecai pointed at the elevator and she frowned, looking between Kofi and Mordecai " Do something ".

Kofi shook her head, her tone laced with sarcasm [ But then I'd be bored again ] " Ummn. No ". Jubilee suddenly crossed her arms, " What do you mean no "? Kofi picked her ear nonchalantly [ Does no have more than one meaning? ] " You heard me the first time ".

Jubilee suddenly clenched her fists, " You little twerp ". She lunged for her but Mordecai held her back effortlessly and sighed, " Please don't take offense ". Kofi nodded absent mindedly, " No harm down ".

She suddenly pointed at Lloyd, " You look alike. Related "? Jubilee frowned, ready to give a sarcastic remark when Mordecai covered her mouth " Yeah, our half brother ". Kofi nodded, " Good to know. Still want me to try and stop them "? [ I'm so happy they're not the same person though ]

Jubilee blinked in a daze, " Really? But you just said... ". Kofi sprung up to her feet and stretched, " I know what I said. I'm just so bored ". She vibrated her lips as she sluggishly walked over.

Mordecai was a bit concerned as he looked at Jubilee " Is this really a good idea? What if she gets hurt "? Jubilee rolled her eyes, " I doubt it, now put me down "? He suddenly smirked and put his hands up in the air, " If that's what you want ".

She sat up and rubbed her knees [ I should have been more specific ] " I hate you "! He smiled, holding out a hand to her, " I know ". She gritted her teeth and took his hand, " Do you think Kofi will be fine "?

Just as she said that, Kofi sighed as she opened her apartment door " Now I'm bored again ". Mordecai and Jubilee looked at each other in shock then back at the elevator shaft where all five men were lying on the floor, half conscious.