Chapter 73 : Spice of your life.

Hiniko was surprised by who she saw. She couldn't quite picture what a Huckleberry was but she definitely wasn't expecting a well built man with a very obvious scar across his eye.

She found herself instinctively cowering due to he's intimidating aura and hid behind George [ Everything about him terrifies me ] When he spoke, she almost jumped out of her skin [ His voice echoes and it's....raspy? ]

" What brings you all the way here Grandpa "? George suddenly laughed, tapping his cane lightly " I know you're not a morning person Huckleberry but could you not glare at me like that ".

He shook his head, as if gaining energy " You said you wouldn't call me that Grandpa "! George laughed, patting his cheek " But it's such a cute name. A lot better than that silly name you gave yourself ".

He squinted slightly, rubbing the cane " What was it again? Hothead. Halo. Hill.... ". He was suddenly interrupted by his frustrated voice, " Hawk..It's hawk. How do you always forget "? George laughed, putting his hands behind his back " Who says I forgot? I simply enjoy the various expressions you make when I don't say it right ".

He glanced at Hiniko, " Come along child ". She snapped out of her daze as she ran after the two, " Yes sir ". Her impression of Huckleberry had crumbled in a few seconds and she tried hard to keep a straight face, like a dutiful servant.

Hawk followed after him, obviously cranky and annoyed " Do you even know where you're going old man "? Hiniko took a deep breath as she finally regained her composure [ I never knew the Yanchols' could be so lively ]


Kofi and Chase looked at each other in confusion then back at the scene in front of them. Dylan was on his knees, with his hands raised up high while Peach put her phone to his face, her mother scolding him.

He sniffed slightly as he looked at them and mouthed the words, " HELP ME ". Peach glanced at them pleadingly and also mouthed, " PLEASE ".

Kofi suddenly took a deep breath, ran forward and pushed Dylan aside, " Peach's mom, why are you so worked up "? Calliope calmed instantly as she smiled, " Kofi, was it? This pink eyed scoundrel was harassing my daughter ".

She turned to Dylan, acting surprised " He was "? Calliope nodded, yelling again " Yes he was ". Dylan opened his mouth to protest when Kofi's fist collided with his head and she spoke through clenched teeth, " Shut up ".

Calliope nodded, " Your a good girl Kofi. My baby is quite shy, she has a hard time saying no ". Kofi was finding that hard to believe [ Your daughter makes poisons as a hubby and is a seasoned fighter. I don't think she has to say no ]

" You have to keep her safe for me Kofi ". Kofi nodded seriously, " No problem mam. I'll start by dragging this.... assaulter out her room ". Again he frowned, " I'm not... ". Again, she hit his head and hissed in his ear " Shut the fuck up ".

And just like that, the three of them had disappeared from her room. Peach sighed tiredly as she raised her phone, " Was that really necessary "? Her mother suddenly smiled, " I can't believe you became friends with Dylan Omenio. One of the top rookies of your generation ".

She rolled her eyes, collapsing into her bed " Yeah, and you're an A list musician. But who cares "? Calliope pouted, " Don't be like that darling. It was fun ". Again she rolled her eyes [ The only one who found that fun was you ]

" But i do like that girl. She's reckless but she uses her head ". Peach frowned slightly, " So is that a compliment or an insult "? Calliope laughed again, " It's a compliment darling. She's just the right amount of spice for your vinegar like life ".

She put a finger to her mouth thoughtfully, " That was supposed to be a wine reference. Did I get it right? I was never good with wines ". Peach nodded, " You got it right mother " [ But i don't think vinegar is a type of wine ]

She squealed to herself, " Okay darling. I'll end the call here. Wouldn't want your father finding me so quickly. I'll call you in a few days when I leave Caynuta. Maybe I'll come visit you and your friends ".

Peach nodded with a slight smile, " Then I'll be expecting you. Stay safe and try to stay out of trouble ". Peach put her phone to her chest as she looked up at the ceiling, " I need to start making some money " [ It's the only way he'll let us go ]