Happy new Year special!!! (#^.^#)

Kofi frowned as she spun the handguns she'd brought out from the storage space, " Are we under attack "? The others looked at her oddly and she looked around her, " Am I the only one hearing the bullets "?

She suddenly gasped, " Or they could be mini bombs ". Chase shook his head as he lowered her hands, " First of all, where did you get the guns ". Dylan suddenly lifted her up, " Yeah. And secondly, they're fireworks ".

Realizing there was no threat, she relaxed and let Chase take the guns from her. She tilted her head to the side as she repeated the words slowly, " Fireworks "? Peach turned to them from her position on the couch, " Yeah, they're like colourful not so harmless glitter bombs. It means the festival is about to start ".

She looked up at Dylan, not minding how his hands dug into her armpits " Can I see the fireworks "? Chase suddenly pointed at her suspiciously, " Promise you won't try and shoot at the fireworks "?

She nodded earnestly, " I promise ". Peach sighed as she got up, " Then we should go to the school park. President Byran always had a flare for the dramatic ". Kofi nodded, maneuvered out of his grip and ran to her room, laughing out loud " Awesome "!

Dylan sighed as he ran his hands through his hair, " Is this really a good idea "? Peach shrugged as she went to her room, " Would you rather have her putting bullets through everything "?

He suddenly shook his head, going after her " No. I'll go get changed ". Chase simply scratched his head as he went to his room, " I need to think of an explanation if she pulls a gun out though ".

It wasn't cold, it wasn't hot, It was just a typical average night good for an outing. Kofi put on a large white round neck covered in a multi confetti pattern and black jeans which she matched with simple sandals.

Peach was in a lavender mini dress with a checkered white and black pattern. She matched it with silver strap sandals. Dylan had on a sky blue shirt with a balloon pattern and navy blue joggers.

As usual, Chase was in black jeans and a brown long sleeved turtleneck. Kofi jumped all the way to the door, excited about everything. Peach smiled tiredly as they followed after Kofi, " We might have to put her on a leash ".

Dylan pointed at Chase who had his hand on Kofi's head, " Already taken care of ". They both took a breath of relief as they entered the elevator [ I'm so glad it's not me ]

The park was filled with people but Kofi didn't care. She looked around, then darted into the crowd as if looking for something. Chase sighed as he pulled her out of the tree she was already climbing and put her on the ground, " What are you doing "?

She pouted as she looked up at him, " The fireworks. I wanna see the fireworks ". Just then, Dylan held out a firecracker stick to her " Manage this for now ". She reached out for it and Peach turned it on.

She shrieked with delight as it lit up and the sparks flew about, " Wow. It's really dazzling ". When it died out, she held out her hand to Dylan with a childish grin on her lips, " Give me another one "!

Peach suddenly stirred her in the opposite direction, " Why don't you try the drinking challenge "? She looked at the stage curiously, " What are they drinking "? Peach shrugged slightly, " Beer. Wanna give it a go "?

Kofi turned to her, expression serious " Will I still see the big glitter bomb fireworks "? Peach nodded, " Yeah ". She suddenly smiled, taking Peach's hand and dragging her along " Yay. Let's go "!

When Kofi climbed on to the stage, she recognized a few of the faces around her. Asher, Jubilee and Lloyd were there too. Asher was all smiles as he waved at her, " Student sister Kofi, how are you "?

Kofi nodded with a slight smile, " I'm really really happy Brother Ash ". He chuckled, tapping the long table in front of them, " And why's that "? She spread her arms wide, " I'm gonna see the fireworks "!

He nodded, " Alright. Tell me what you think about them when you do ". She nodded seriously, " Yes brother Ash ". The drinking soon begun and Kofi had to admit, it was a new taste to her. It was sweet, but slightly sour and it burned her throat but she liked it.

Maybe because it was new to her, but she kept chugging it all down. She only stopped chugging when Hawk took the mug from her, " Okay. And our winner is Kofi Flinn ". As she stood up, she suddenly felt lightheaded and giggled to herself.

She didn't hear whatever he was saying but knew Peach had come for her. " Is it time for the fireworks "? Peach nodded as she struggled to keep her from falling " Uh uhn. Any minute now ".

The boys found them soon though. Dylan pulled at Kofi's cheeks proudly, " Who knew you had it in you? You really know how to chug ". She suddenly frowned and swatted his hand away. Peach grunted as she suddenly looked at Chase.

" She's your responsibility Chase ", just as she said it, Peach let her fall into his chest and he had no choice but to catch her. Kofi suddenly raised her hand over his shoulder, pointing at the sky " Glitter bombs "!?

They followed her hand and the fireworks really were going off. Dylan suddenly looked up ahead, " We should probably move forward, get a better view ". Peach nodded in agreement, " Good idea ".

Chase simply mumbled to himself as he followed, " Easy to say when you're not carrying someone around ". He put Kofi on his back and she played with his hair occasionally, looking up at the rainbow lit sky.

It went on for ten minutes and Kofi loved every minute of it. When she calmed down, she rested her head on his shoulder, talking about it " Do you remember the red one? Or the one shaped like a balloon "?

She suddenly put something round his neck, making him flinch. When he looked at his neck, he realized she'd put on a multi coloured bandana on him " What's this for "? She giggled, her head back on his shoulder " Everyone's in something colourful, just like the fireworks. I just think you should to ".

She suddenly raised her hands high and shouted, " HAPPY NEW YEAR "! Luckily for her, the fireworks covered her voice so not many people heard it. Again she put her chin on his head while Chase laughed, glancing up at her " Happy new year to you too ".