Chapter 80 : Strange can be good.

Kofi had stopped trying to get clothes. She already had twenty in total and with Coda's constant calculations, she realized it would be hard for anyone else to get that number.

She sighed as she looked down at the other students scrambling all over the place. She seemed to blend in with the surroundings, mostly due to her red hair and the red lights in the training hall.

She scratched her head lightly, looking around with obvious boredom " I wonder how the others are doing "?


Hiniko landed on the slowly rising platform with a thud and snatched the sky blue blazer she'd just passed. She was panting heavily as she tied it around her waist [ I was so nervous, I forgot my storage tool ] " I've been slacking in my training ".

She'd been searching for Chase all along but he seemed to have vanished into thin air. She chewed the inside of her mouth, looking around for him and sighed " What kind of maid am I? I lost my master ".


Chase was right about George. He was holding his cane so tight that his fair and slightly wrinkled knuckles were turning white. Asher had been the first to notice the sudden change in his mood and being oblivious to the awkwardness he would create, he was about to ask what was wrong.

Odette frowned slightly, realizing what he was up to [ What to do? ] Luckily, she spotted Kofi sitting on one of the highest platforms, looking obviously bored. She quickly turned his head to the screen, " Isn't that Kofi "?

Asher brightened as he turned back to the screens, " Really. where is she "? Everyone in the room seemed to relax and left George to seethe silently. Odette laughed, ruffling his hair " You're as strange as your master ".

He shrugged, still staring at the screen " Strange can be good ". Odette blanked out for a few seconds then pinched his cheeks " You're adorable ". He turned red, his hands flailing everywhere " Mrs Emiko "!


Rider had to admit, he was surprised by Mordecai. Jubilee was the more expressive of the two, so she was more popular. Lloyd had even said she was an expert in physical combat, among other things but nothing about Mordecai.

He rubbed his neck already tired [ Those Yadis are definitely not normal ] He smiled when he saw Cassie and Hawk noticed it, " Your cousin's working really hard Rider ". He nodded, " I know. But she works a little too hard, I don't think she realizes she deserves a break ".

He looked at the screen with a slight smile, " Maybe you should tell her ". He looked at the screen intently then nodded, " I'll try ". Hawk suddenly laughed, slapping him hard on the bark " That's ma boy. You've got a good head on your shoulders ".

Hawk was fond of doing that and it always hurt, even after so many years, it still stung. He bent over slightly, speaking through clenched teeth " Thank you sir " [ He still treats me like a kid ]

Leonardo had learned something about Byran he didn't expect.....the man was actually serious about his job. He kept scrolling through his tablet, apparently memorizing new faces. He suddenly glanced at Leonardo, making him snap out of his daze " Is there something on my face "?

He shook his head and Byran touched his face lightly, " That's a relief.....but could you not stare at me so hard, it's distracting ". He nodded, looking the other way " Of course. Sorry about that ".

Byran suddenly laughed, rubbing his hair " I can see why Asher likes you so much ". Letting go of his head, he turned to the screen, looking as serious as before. Leonardo looked around in a daze [ These people aren't normal, but that's good too.....I think ]