Make him happy

Reva thinks fro a while and then google it, she wanted to know how to make him happy. Three are advice like to make a person happy, sing a song for them, gift them something, kiss him or her, give them hug , pay bill for them, tells them jokes etc.

Reva read lots of things and decided to as much as she can, from grandpa she got to know Mahednra's favorite dish, and from internet and doctor she already get a perfect diet for him. So she decided to make mugdal ki khichdi for him. With that, they are going to eat some pickle and some papad.

She also read some one liner jokes to tell him. She also decided to buy flowers for him, after all who don't like to see them, it just she is quite confuse about which flower to choose, Reva personally likes roses, but if she gives him red roses then he might misunderstand it, she don't like white roses very much, so in the end she decided to buy yellow roses for him.

Here Mahednra try to sleep but not able to fall asleep, due to his illness he sometimes feel weak, his insomnia is already there from a long ago. He also noticed that his hair are falling very fastly, most often lots of illness resulted in hair loss, and he can understand that he will face many things in future.

Thinking this he feels somewhat suffocated. He try to think something else, he realized that today he don't bring anything for children, he has some relatives and friends who has children so whenever he go to meet them he will bring something for them, so he decided to buy something for them too. He tells his assistant to bring some exotic choclates and some new toys for children.

He remembers that little girls smile and feel happy, those two children are quite lucky that they have an aunt like Reva. He suddenly feels little respect for Reva. After tossing in bed for a while and still not able to sleep, so he decided to go downstairs and see what the trio doing.

When he comes downstairs, he sees Reva cooking while the children are talking with her, he decided not to disturb them, he heard their conversation and realized that Reva is really patient with children, because the children are asking some really silly questions still she is answering them with a smile.

While he is immersed in their conversation the doorbell ring. This startled him, He sees Aditya is going to open the door but he stops him. He guesses that it might be his secretary who comes to meet him. As expected his secretary come with the gifts, Mahendra takes them and put it in the living room, the secretary takes his boss permission and left.

Aditi sees those things and quite curious about them. Aditya also sees those things and knows that there are some toys, he sees them in the mall, but they are too expensive. Is this uncle bought for them?.

Mahendra gives the chocolate to Aditi and Aditya, children look towards Reva, Reva who also watch this scene understands everything, she feels warm in her heart, Mahendra is her employer, he doesn't need to bring anything to children, but still he does, which shows how kind person he is. Reva nodded towards the children, which is a sign of accepting gifts. Children happily take the chocolates and look towards toys.

"These are the toys for smart children" Mahendra decided to tease them.

"I am smart," Aditi said to Mahendra, after coming here and getting loved by her mua, Aditi become bolder, she is quite a naughty child, and is not as mature as Aditya.

"Oh really?"

"Yes, you can ask the teacher, and brother is also smart, the teacher makes him class monitor do you know that" Aditi again replied with pride.

"Then you can take it," Mahendra said and gives the things to the children. Children are too happy after getting so many gifts. They say thank you hurriedly and started to unpack the toys.

"Thank you," Reva said.

"You are welcome, by the way, what are you making for dinner?" Mahendra questioned her, Reva tells him the menu.

"Oh it's my favorite too, are making it because it's my favorite right?" Mahendra questioned her.

"Ha, how will I know what you like and not?" Reva questioned him. Even if she refuses Mahendra is quite sure about the reason, after the dinner is ready they all eat while having a pleasant conversation.

After eating Reva started cleaning, Mahendra wanted to help her but she refuses, the children are quite reluctant to stop playing, and they wanted her to play with them, but Reva decided to take help from Mahendra.

"If you wanted to help me, can you please play with them until I clean the kitchen" Reva requested.

On which Mahendra agreed. He doesn't think it much tiring to play with children but it is his misconception. After only an hour he started to feel tired. Children also understand this and stop playing. Reva after coming to outside see the tried Mahendra and tell him to go and rest. Mahendra feels quite bad, but he understands that there is also fatigue of the travel.

That night he doesn't know why but falls asleep very soon. Maybe his chaotic mind is somewhat peaceful due to this homely environment, who knows?

The next day again the breakfast is his favorite, after that, they go to meet grandpa, tomorrow grandpa is going abroad for his further treatment, Mahendra can say his grandpa is somewhat more vital these days. Anyway, after spending time there, Mahendra takes the children and Reva for lunch.

"Wow, this food is delicious" Children can't help but said, Reva is someone who is learning cooking, and even though she tried her best, sometimes she can't cook very tasty food, or sometimes she is so tired that she just make something simple, and there is no way that she can match with a five star food. but still seeing children are very happy due to this food, she somewhat feels sour.

"I prefer the khichdi we eat yesterday," Mahendra said while looking towards the sad face of Reva. indeed he is telling lie, but he knows the food Reva made intentionally for him, not because she wanted to impress him, but because she genuinely wanted to see him happy.

Listening to this a smiling appear on Reva's face. After lunch they return home, first Mahendra wanted to go back to work, but then he decided to enjoy the homely environment for some days.

Anyway, life is really small for him, thinking this he smiles self mockingly.