
 Another two weeks passed this way. And now is the day when Anu is going to travel. This is the first time Anu is going to shoot.

From the previous month, she with her father started to take lessons on how to face the camera. Which is helping her a lot. 

 Anuj also let her do a photoshoot, and then publish the photos, he also advertises her social media page. This way her followers are increasing. She everyday upload some photos on her page. So her viewers already started to increase. 

 Living this new era, everyone should do something on social media. Anu remember the sentence she read from a book, which is if you are consuming three hours on social media, then you must at least for half an hour is the one who creates a post, it should be anything, like a photo of a new dress, a new recipe, a quote, your photo while doing exercise, your art anything. Even the photo of your pet is okay, but you must have your digital footprint.