
"Why are you so obsessed with this business and this course?" Mahendra seeing how skinner Anu looking can't help but ask the question. He can see her working super hard. She can choose to go slow, or even leave the course. To do a business we don't need a degree. 

"I am not obsessed, I just wanted to show people that if they give a girl chance she can do anything. When I m younger, I wanted to study instead of getting married. But due to society, I need to get married, which only makes my life worse. And now even if I can start my business, people only said that I am lucky or I use my body, etc" Anu replied, she is taking this on behalf of all those women who despite having talent never get a chance to show the world what can they do. 

"but why do you need to show the world? you are great, the people with the right mind can see it," Mahendra said, to be honest, he is genuinely worried about her health.