
 "Before that, tell me one thing, are you hiding something from me?" Priya again question. 

"mom that I see a dream when I am sleeping, and it shows something so scary, and the reason is Mangal and grandma" Anu doesn't dare to tell Priya everything, but she decided to make sure Priya will be ready for the future. 

"What is the dream about?" Priya can't help but question. 

"I don't remember, but after the dream, I see Mangal adding something in your milk. I don't know what it is, but she hides the bottle later" Anu said. Priya doesn't know what to say, but she is sure about one thing, which is her daughter will not lie, and after that, they both again hear the conversation. 

"Dare he to remarried someone and I will sure that I will kill him," Priya said with anger.