
 Priya after coming from the hospital narrates to Anu what happens, Anu feels quite relax knowing that her grandma and Mangal are leaving the city.

 From the system, she also got to know that her father and mother both investing about Sarita so, for now, she doesn't need to worry about it.

 Anu now as the big danger is eliminated decided to focus on her study as an exam is coming up. She asks Priya what will she get if she come first in the class. 

 Priya loves her daughter and she anyway going to fulfill her wish, so she agreed.

 Anu is also not sure what to ask but she decided to start good deeds from now, as she knows the system is gonna reduce her mark as she often breaks the rules.

 Anyway now Rajiv is aware of Sarita so the chances of him getting near her are reduced greatly. 

 Talking about Ram and Rohan, they started to love their sister very much and it is due to some recent events.