
 Days passed like this, Anu also got first in the exam and win attention from the teachers successfully. She is also started to teach some advanced techniques to Meera, Ravi, and Sanjana, she also urged her mother and brother to learn self-defense with her. And of course, they follow it. 

 Anu also started to take care of her father. She scolds him when he come back home drinking. She also make sure that he do exercising. 

"Baby, why are you acting like you are my teacher?" One day Rajiv can't help but ask his little daughter. 

"I don't want anyone to hurt my daddy, I am not strong enough to save you from troubles, that's why until I grow up you have to take care of yourself," Anu tells her father. To be honest, Rajiv feels very good after listening to her daughter's words. He feels blessed that he has such a beautiful family.