
"You don't need to order, I bought my tiffin" Anu said while taking out the tiffin box from her bag. 

"You come prepared" Aarav can't help but said. 

"Yup" Anu replied. After that she put her tiffin box on the spare table and pull the chair near the table, Aarav also mimic her and sit near her. Anu also bought little plates, and spoons, so she give him the breakfast. 

"Wow, your chef is great" Aarav commented after eating the food. The food is not extraordinary, but it has a very unique and quite homely taste. 

"I make it" Anu murmur in a little voice. 

"Really?" Aarav can't help but question. 

"Why are you acting like I do something strange?" Anu asks while pouting. She is too used to acting like a child, that she forgot her age, she even sometimes acts like a spoiled brat too. 

"Miss Anu are good at study, sports, and even dance, and also know how to cook, and are so young, you are talented" Aarav replied.