
 The next day, Anu comes office with breakfast, today she gets ready again with extra care, but there is another thing, which is a beautiful smile pasted on her face. 

 When Anu reaches at Aarav cabin, he is yet to be reached. She seeing this just sigh and started to do her work, as a secretary her first work is to check his emails and then make a schedule for him. She started to answer emails and even started to take back up of all the data. While she is doing this Aarav comes inside the cabin. 

"Hey boss good morning" Anu beamed at him. 

"Good morning my love" Aarav said while shutting the door. He come near Anu, but before he can do anything, Anu gives him a bear hug. 

"I love you a lot" Anu can't help but say loudly. 

"Me too," Aarav said, but then Anu see him frown, the way a person does when he is in pain. 

"Hey what happened, I am sorry I am too impulsive," Anu said by releasing Aarav. She suddenly feel guilty about acting like a child.