
 Reva again wakes up, she realized that after her reincarnation, she is only sleeping, but worry not. Now her headache also reduced a lot. Talking about the injuries on her body, indeed they are painful, but not that much. She decided to wash her face, and then examine her situation. 

 Thankfully her boss book a private room in the hospital for her, it is not like she doesn't like that sharing, but in her previous life, she spends in luxury, so, for now, she can't go back. This room has a separate washroom, which is very convenient. After washing her face, she sees her reflection in the mirror and realized that she needs to invest in good skincare. 

 She comes out of the washroom, and to her surprise, there is nurse and doctor also arrived. 

"So you wake up? now let me check your wounds" The doctor tells Reva. The doctor ask Reva some questions, on which Reva tell them the pain reduced a lot.