Old Friend

 After that Reva and Raj talk with each other, Reva asks about the condition of workers, and the incident. 

"The workers are fine, and work is going well, after one day of break the work start from next day. Boss is investigating this matter"Raj inform her. 

"I don't think it is an accident," Reva said. She understands that her boss might already guess many things, and she doesn't need to meddle, but for the future, she needs to be ready. Raj looks at her, it is not impossible to guess this. 

 They already know what the enemy has planned, and if this accident happens how much it will cost them, thankfully Reva is there. Raj also hears what exactly happen and to be honest he doesn't think he can save those people if he is in place of Reva. Her reflex is too fast.