Back in old home.

 Reva spend the next two days while cleaning, taking care of her health, and getting ready for the world. Now she can remember many things and people. Her injuries are also now healed. But she has a session with the doctor this week. Reva decided she will join the office after that session is over, but for now, she needs to visit her office again because she forgot her laptop in the office. 

 Reva needed her laptop so she can get some ways to earn more money. Reva check her bank account the day she returns and found out that her financial health is not so good. She decided it is better if she finds another way of income. Unlike her previous self, Reva now wanted to earn more money so she can show the world her uniqueness.

All these world-hopping teach her one thing, either you will be the one of the best or you will be nothing.