
 Reva bought a bicycle for herself. She take this decision after a lot of thought, first thing bicycle is now good for her budget, second, it doesn't require extra maintenance, and there is no cost of petrol or anything. Second, it will help her to do her exercise, without taking extra time. 

 Also, it will help her to go to work on time. Right now she need to change to bus to reach her office. The reason why she takes her house here is her boss lives near form this place. But unfortunately for her, she doesn't get many chances to meet him on the way. 

 Reva bought a black and red colors cycle, which is quite beautiful looking. She also bought a helmet for herself in this way on Monday she reach on cycle in her office. Reva comes early as she knows that when she will reach the office she will be somewhat sweaty. So after parking her cycle, she goes go to the ladies room and redo her makeup.