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 Reva while eating breakfast suddenly remembers one thing, which is all the things her boss bring today are once her favorite. So sweet. 

"I will take you office," Mahendra said after eating the breakfast. He bought paper dishes, so there is no extra work. 

"Okay I will get ready in few minutes," Reva said and dashed towards her bedroom. She now realized that she still need to take bath. While Reva is trying to hide her embarrassment and complete her morning rituals Mahendra is checking his messages. He is sitting on the sofa, while he is doing this, he suddenly see the diary of Reva. Quite curious about this, he looks towards the bathroom and realized that Reva is busy in taking bath, so he can sneak in the diary. 

 But to his surprise, it is not Reva's diary, but her notes. What surprise him more, is there are notes about project Amrut. 

 This project is now a priority of their company, when he read the notes he feel quite amazed.