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 "Why this is happening with me?" Mahendra can't help but feel frustrated. He throws his phone on the ground. 

"Tell me Raj is I am wrong? I just tell her to respect grandpa, why she is not considering my feelings?" Mahendra ended up crying again. Raj suddenly feels a lot blessed, even though his and Kira's love story is quite boring, he doesn't need to face this type of emotional outburst. 


"Tell me honestly Raj" Mahendra urged. 

"To be honest boss, I think you are quite wrong with Reva. I understand you love your grandpa, and Reva also should consider his age, but you don't consider Reva's feelings. If someone insults you, from Reva's family, how do you feel?. And to be honest Reva never takes advantage of anything. She is the one who also works hard for project Amrut, where she can choose not to.