Meeting Mahendra

 Reva doesn't understand what he is talking about? She try to call him again. But he doesn't pick up. Reva decided to call him after she take bath. 

 "Mihika do you have clothes of my size?" Reva questions Mihika. 

"Yes, wait," Mihika said, she gives Reva her one of the shirt, Reva and Mihika has similar body shape and height, so Mihika's clothes are completely suitable to Reva. It just Rev is little bit taller than Mihika.

 Reva quickly takes her bath and change he clothes, when she came outside, Mihika already prepare breakfast for them. 

"If I am boy I might married to you," Reva said with a cute smile. 

"Are you now have crush on my sister?" Reva hear a familiar voice, and look in that direction, and froze to see Mahendra there.