Meeting death

 The remaining two bangles have mild explosives in them. Arnav tells her that if she clicks the red diamond-like button on the bangle and throws it towards the enemy it will create a little explosion, it is not strong enough to kill someone, but it is still able to injure them. Reva now decided to use it.

 She sees four people coming towards them. 

"Oh shit these girls manage to untie themselves, We will handle them, you go and call the boss," One of the men tell the other man, Reva decided to do her next move right now. She pulls her bangles, and clicks the red diamond and throw it in their direction, and then push the other girls backside, and she also goes to the backside, but in that second nothing happens. 

 Reva now really doubts the authinticness of Arnav, but before she can think more about, the explosion happen, the noise that the explosion created is somewhat big. Reva still keeps one bangle with her, in case if more people come.