Blades Tradition

"Come now, don't be such a big baby, Zach."

Gavin said to the young rookie Fire Slayer.

"I will have you know, these earpieces are not only for fashion purposes, no, they are in fact the symbol that you are a full fledged member of the Six Blades. It is quite an honor to be bestowed one of these."

The Serpent Summoner said to them.

Little did they know, Zachary was afraid of needles and syringes.

Scratch that, he was afraid of every single little thing which had the risk of being pointy enough to wound him.

"That is actually pretty awesome, Gavin. But, I have no holes in my earlobes, though."

"As I said earlier, Yin, I am going to pierce them, do not worry about it." Gavin's head turned towards Suna. "I am guessing you already have had your ears pierced before, right?"

Suna was absolutely clueless.