Who They Should Have Saved

The group was ready to set forth on their mission.

"Hey, Kai, what kind of monster are we going to be hunting today?"

Yin asked their leader.

"A horrible one. We've lost contact with another squad some days ago, the last distress message they sent were ones asking for immediate assistance. Of course, we could not send one that fast, we had to make sure the team composition, chemistry, and teamwork was there for a squad to be deployed."

Kai Xin answered. He was different after setting foot on the Outer Gates. Kai was actually being serious now.

Zach could not help but have his nerves shaken about. After all, this was his first mission. He and June Alcindor were both nervous.

"So, Kai, what tipped you guys off that there was a monster who supposedly wiped an entire squadron off by itself?"

"We still do not have concrete information about how many of them there are, just that they've killed the Slayers who requested back up."