First day at highschool

My first day at Central Toronto Academy, in Toronto, Canada.

This has always been my dream to start high school, so I got up early, got ready and greet my parents.

"Morning dad,". "Morning mom,". "Well, good morning sunshine, how was your rest?", asks my mother. "It was wonderful." "Good, come and have breakfast now,".

I ate breakfast fast, then take my school bag and left. "Goodbye, Rina! Have a lovely day!".

I enter the school and head straight to my locker. While heading over to my locker, someone screams my name, "Rina! Over here, Rina!". I look to my left and saw that it was my best friend, Abby. We grew up in the same street, not for long though. At age six, she moved, leaving me alone. The good thing is we could stay in contact with each other.

I close my locker, then walk over to her and hug her. "Rina!". "Abby!" we both scream at each other. "I still can't believe we are at the same school!" I said excitedly to her as I hug her. "You're super funny, you know that right!" "Aye, why are you laughing?" I ask, giving her sad eyes. She laughed even harder at me before she replies and says, "Because I have to be there to protect my sweet bestie."

To Abby, she always sees me as a sweet, quiet and hard-working girl, so she always says she's going to protect me from harm, well I guess it's good to have someone to protect me apart from my parents.

"Aye Rina, let's go to our first class," spoke Abby sweetly. "Sure—how are you sure we're in the same classes?" I ask. "Because I know," she said, winking at me. "Did you let your parents switch you in all my classes, Abby?" I ask her, giving her my serious eyes. "Haha, not because my parents are rich mean I would do such a thing," she said, scratching behind her head. "I know you did," I said cheekily. "Whatever, let's just go to class," she said, pulling my arm.

"Aye! Abby! Slow down!". Before I know it, I bumped into a boy and all my books fell to the floor. Abby stops to turn around and saw that I bumped into someone. She then quickly comes in front of me and says, "She's sorry about that, also it's my fault it happens too." The guy pushes her away and walks towards me with scary eyes, then says, "You got any cash to buy back my shirt, you stupid nerd!". When he said those words, my heart started crying.

I said quickly as I got up, "I'm sorry, really sorry too,". "No, no, no I don't want your sorry I want my money for my shirt!", he said aggressively. Then Abby act fast and say, "Aye, you oversize, light pole, did you not hear her say she's sorry? Are you too tall to not hear when someone speaks? Sounds like you need to get a checked up!".

The guy looked at Abby from head to toe, then ask, "You are really pretty, want to be one of my girlfriends?". Then he tries to touch Abby's face but then Abby grabs his hand and says, "Sorry hun, you are not my type, and if you touch my friend, put a finger on her or make her feel any harm, I am going to break all your fingers, and this is no threat it's a warning!"

Everyone started mumbling about how she put fear in his eyes and maybe she was going to be the next boss for the school. "Ca—ca—can you let go of my hand now please!", cried out the boy. "Oh, am sorry... what's your name?". "It's... Johnathan!" he continued to cry in pain. "I will see you around then, Johnathan," Abby said with an evil smile on her face, then she let go of his hand then turned to help me take up my books.

The guy walks away and gave me the eyes "I'll see you around". Soon After everyone walks away, leaving Abby and myself on the floor taking up my books. "Aye thank you Abby a lot," I said to her with teary eyes. "Haha, it's nothing, now let's get to our class,".

We both then head to our classes. Soon after, the day went by so fast. We both had our lunch together. Soon it was time for dismissal.

We headed back to class to be dismissed. Ring, Ring. "Well, that's the bell," I said to Abby. "Hey Rina, let's go to the park before we head home," said Abby. "Sure,".

We walk and talk straight to the park. When we reached there, we both sat on the green grass fields in the park. I look over at Abby and saw that she was looking up at the sky. Then I break the silence and said, "Abby, thanks again for being here with me today." "When you move away, my entire life was just miserable; I got picked on non-stop at school." "Mom and dad didn't know what to do, plus it was hard to make friends too, so thanks for coming back to me."

My tears just came out of nowhere. Then Abby hug me and say, "I will never leave you alone ever again, I promise! Rina, please stop crying, please!"

My eyes were watery, but I held back my tears and stop crying. "I know what will make you feel better. . . ice cream! I'll get you one cup of ice cream!" she said cheerfully. "Your favourite is chocolate, right?", I nodded to her with a small smile. She then ran off to buy the ice cream at the coffee shop across from the park.

I sat there and watched her cross the road to get me the ice cream, but then something happens as she steps out of the shop with the ice cream. She looks up and down and steps out onto the road. BANG! Out of nowhere, a car came and hit her.