The stranger that save me

I look from up stair where my class is, since everyone was blocking down stair view, "This school is so messed up! How the hell are you to stop me from playing basketball, for some rumors of a girl! I did not make those rumors!".

"Hmm, is this guy speaking about me?". "Johnathan, if you can't calm down, we get someone who will!", someone spoke trying to calm Johnathan. "I don't care about who you want to call! This school system is backward!", he shouts in anger as he throws a table.

"Mr. Hopper! Behave yourself now!", Juliet came and said. "You know you made those rumors up! Plus, she is a girl can't you at least treat her nicely!". "Why should I!", Johnathan shouts back at her.

Then I the silly one run down to the crowd and shout, "Johnathan, stop complaining! You know you have hurt me before! After not having Abby around to defend me, you took it as your advantage to pick on me! Wasn't it!".

As everyone's eyes turned to me, I felt like I was in hell. Boom! Boom! Heavy foot step sounds make as Johnathan walks closer to me.

As he faces me with pain in his eyes, I started wishing I had said nothing. He looks me up and down with bright brown eyes and long eyelashes.

Cough! Cough! I begin to cough hard as the man that stands before me holds my throat and squeezes, lifting me off the floor. Cough! Cough!

"Johnathan no! Put the girl down?", his friends run towards him trying to stop him. Cough! Cough! My tears began to fall as I thought I was going to be strangled to death by my bully.

My eyes got blurry as I fight for air to stay alive. "I don't want to die!" I try to shout, but the words didn't come out. I thought it was fate bringing me home to Abby, my best friend, I no longer have.

His friends started pulling him and hitting him, hoping he will let me go, but he holds onto my throat so tight as he fights his friends off.

I felt myself getting weak. My life becomes less, my vision got worst and my eyes begin to close. Punch! I heard a hit as out of nowhere I fell from the air to the floor back again.

Bang! The sound made as my body falls to the floor. "Johnathan... What the hell are you doing!", I heard someone shouts. I try to keep my eyes open to see what's going on but the only thing I could see was a guy I have never seen before with tattoos on his right arm and a scary looking but handsome face fighting Johnathan.

He was a complete stranger towards me but he seems more formal with Johnathan even though he was fighting him. "Did this guy save my life?". "If he did, why did he?". "Was it fate that someone was to save me?". "No, I shouldn't be thinking silly... No one will ever be so kind to save my life...".

I said as my ears could no longer hear, my eyes could no longer see, and then I pass out.

Beep, beep, beep. I slowly open my eyes where I saw flowers by the window with a beeping machine with numbers and lines going up and down. My feet were well covered under a sheet. My nose had clear long tubes extending to a bag that's fill with water. My wrist had a band around it with numbers on it.

I continue to scan the room, then I heard a door opened. A beautiful well dress lady, that's wearing a blue dress with a white coat over it, her brown hair catch in a ponytail and holding a folder in her hands.

She then came before me and ask, "How are you feeling now?". "Feeling?", I ask. "Yes, how are you feeling?", she smile and ask again. "I feel okay," I replied to her, confused.

"Great!", she said, removing the tubes from my nose. "Where am I?", I ask, looking around. "You don't remember?", she asks writing in her folder. "Remember? Remember what?", I ask in confusion.

She smile at me then replied, "Yesterday, you were nearly strangle to death, but then someone save you, but not too well because when you had fall from the air, you fall hard to the floor hitting your back closely to hitting your head,".

"Anyway, you are free to go home today, and when you see that gentleman again, remember to thank him," she smiles widely at me.

"How long have I been here?", I ask. "One day,". "Hmm, one day... that means today is Friday,". "Do you know how the person looks that save me?", I ask out of curiosity. "Yes, he is two feet taller than you, light skin with tattoos on his right arm and good looking," she said with a wink at me.

I smile at her as she then helps me out of the bed. She helps me pack my stuffs up and carry me outside where I then realize I was at the hospital fifteen minutes drive away from my school.

When we reach out the building, I saw a familiar face standing by a testa. "Miss Juliet?". "Aye, what I tell you about calling me miss?", she said with a cute sad expression. "Sorry, Juliet. Why are you here though?". "I'm here to bring you home since your parents have to be at court for the case of your best friend's death,".

"That be nice, thanks," I smile cutely and let Juliet lead me to her car. After we drove off.

"Lately, I feel closer to Juliet. Our first meet wasn't that good, because I had refused to open up to anyone, but now I feel closer to her and feel I could trust her. I guess this is life showing me that my life is worthy of happiness,".