You damn sexy angle! You damn beauty!

As I walk over to him with my brain cells acting crazy, my blood running cold, sweat pops out of nowhere and to make it worse, my balance had to mess my walking up.


I look over at the ladies one last time, when beauty got up, walking straight over to where I am. "What is she doing!" "I don't want her over here!" "What the fuck!" "I'm a bad boy, can't let a beauty frighten me like this!", I curse to myself trying to play it cool.


"Don't go over there to him!" "Why not?" "You're scared, don't go!" "But if I don't, I can't thank him!" "Oh no, this bad!", I cried to myself feeling uncomfortable.


"Alright, here she comes! Act natural!".


"Hey!". "Oh no, why did I shut!". "I'm sorry, hey, may I sit?", I ask looking at the guy holding his head down like he wants to avoid me.

"I will take that as a no then," I said, about to walk off.

"Shit, I'm making beauty walk away! I must act fast!". "No! Please wait," I said as I lift my head to face her.

"He really does want to speak to me!", I happily scream at myself. "May I sit, if you're okay with it?". "Yes, please,".

"This guy is really hot and handsome. How was I so blessed to be saved by this hottie!", I scream to myself.

"Excuse me, could you mind removing your glasses?", I ask politely to see his face properly.


As he slowly removes the glasses from his face, I got to see all his features clearly. He's hot, handsome, have really beautiful eyes, his eyebrows were shaped in a cool but hot style, his tattoos on his right arm was really sexy, even though I'm not a fan of tattoos his own were really good looking on him. His arms were muscular, I bet strong enough to lift me off the floor. His eyes were so engaging to look at. I felt like I could be lost in his eyes. Damn! This is one sexy angle.

"You have really beautiful eyes," I said with a small smile. "Haha, thank you. And you got a really beautiful smile," he replied with a wink.

"Haha, thank you. Here's a funny question, did you happen to save me from dying?", I ask awkwardly.

"Actually yes, I am...", he winks with a smile. "... Single," he smiles as he touches my cheek with his left arm. "What! Did he just say he's single? Dude, I never ask you that!", I scream at myself in frustration.

"Ahm, it's good to know that you are single, but I was asking about if you had happen to save me," I repeat myself, hoping he hears me correctly.

"Nah, I'm actually not the guy you looking for,". Hearing those words broke my heart, not because of love, but because of disappointment.

"Okay, thanks," I said with a weak smile and got up. "Shit, she's leaving! Do something sexy!".

I run behind her, grab her hand, but not too painful to hurt her and spin her around.

"Beauty, this is not the first time I'm seeing you and I wouldn't want this to be the last without knowing your name,".


As I got up from there and walk off I felt someone pull on my arm, but they didn't do it as how Johnathan did in school. It was gentle.

After they hold on my arm, the person spun me around to face them and say, "Beauty, this is not the first time I'm seeing you and I wouldn't want this to be the last without knowing your name,".

I look up to the person and face them. It was him again, but being very charming. "Haha!", I laugh at his sudden action.

"Why laugh beauty?", he asks, confused. "Haha! It's just that your sudden action surprise me," I laugh harder. "Haha," he laughs along.

"But, I'm really serious, I want to know your name," he replied handsomely. "It's Rina," I said cutely. "Rina, hmm, I like it! It's a beautiful name!", he smiles cutely.


Rina is a really beautiful name. It's as beautiful as she is with her smiles that fill my heart with light. I don't understand why seeing her makes me shy, like I'm a bad boy. Why does her smile takes my heart away from me? Give me back my icy heart! I like the way I was before I save you!

"So, what's your name?", she asks with her beautiful smile. "It's Max," I said, scratching behind my head.

"Is he shy?", I ask myself. "Maybe, I should try teasing him!", I said as a bright idea pop in my head. "When you say Max, you mean like full power speed," I said, trying to hold my laugh.

"Haha, yes," he laughed. "In fact, I might be able to help you look for this guy that save you," he blurted. "Really, you would want to help me?", I ask, looking away from him. "Yes!", he replied cutely.

"Alright then!", I happily shout. "Haha," he laughs at my childish behavior.


"It looks like Rina having a good time with the guy who saves her. I'm happy for her," Juliet said as she take a small peak at the two kids.

"I'm gad I brought her out today," Juliet said before sipping on her latte.

While the two there had fun, there was something that was bound to happen that could change the way Rina looks at Max.


Max is a bad boy as we all read about, he keeps saying over and over, but was he really that bad?

Some may say that seeing a girl for the first time and have your heart stolen from you is unreal in this world, but Max wasn't lying when he said she really stole his heart.

In the next chapter you will read about Max's past and find out for yourself if he's really that bad as he says he is.