The call with Dark Society

"So, what's the mission?".

"Wait, I need to call the head of Dark Society,".

Liam tapped on the table that was before him and Max then the big screen appeared again.

He swept his hand, and the screen moved with his hand.

"Found them," Liam said as he tapped on Dark Society contact information.

Ring, Ring. "Oh, hello dark knights! Are we both having a lovely day?" the headmaster of Dark Society asks.

"It was lovely until now," Liam mumbled under his breath.

"Haha, Max, why never tell your right hand about us?".

"Ahm, can we discuss the mission please and not my personal life?" Max asks as he scratches behind his head.


"Our new mission is that the queen of England will be coming to China along with the United kingdom president for the agreement of China launching a new weapon called the Nano Lightning Blaster."

"This weapon will destroy, kill or damage anything in its path 50 feet away."

"The problem is that the United Kingdom has traitors and undercover agents that are working with the United States to steal the weapon and mimic it for their soldiers."

"Our mission is to find the traitors and undercover agents of the United States and stop them before they get their hands on the Nano Lightning Blaster,".

"This mission sounds very hectic... So where do Dark Knights come in?", Max asks.

"We need your skills, Max, plus China, England, the United Kingdom and the United States are going to be there. Why not have Canada involved too?" the headmaster smirks.

'`HAHA! Max burst out in laughter and so did the headmaster.

These two have a strong bond with each other. From the very first time the headmaster met Max, he always admired the way Max did business.

He always says, "Max is talented. His fighting skills are amazing. Most importantly he gets the job done either the hard way or easy way with no complaints plus he leaves no evidence behind!".

The headmaster also admires how Max cares for his soldiers; he will leave none of them behind to save himself. He will stay with them and die if he can't find a way out for both him and his men.

Therefore, the headmaster has Max as the top agent for uncovered enforcement.

"Cough!" Liam coughs to get both men's attention.

"So apart from you liking Max's skills, you need him to go undercover as a Chinese agent to get closer to the UK agents and find out who the traitors and US agents are, right?".

"Yes, Max, I like your right hand," the headmaster smiled.

Some may say the headmaster has a weird taste, but the truth is the headmaster can easily spot out brilliant soldiers.

"I'm also guessing Max isn't the only one going undercover, right?".


"Can I guess the other undercover agents?" Liam asks with a smirk.

"Haha! Sure, go ahead!".

Liam walked over to a computer and started typing fast as he searched for the other undercover soldiers.

"A-ha, found it!".

"Alright tell me what you got, Liam!".

"You said why not have Canada involved too, but the truth behind that is that Canada isn't normally involved in these activities so at least two of your agents are gonna be from here and three from three other countries you know wouldn't be involved in these activities."

"So my guess is..."

"Gelissa Brown but prefer to be called the name of a hair product Gel from Canada, Alex Gold but prefer to be called Goldie from Australia, Francisco Lòpez but prefer to be called France from Mexico and last but not least Angelina with her last name unknown from Aruba."

"Are you sure you not missing one?" the headmaster asked with a smirk.

"I'm sure, because if there are too many unfamiliar faces around China, the other countries will pick up that something is up,".

"I like how observant you are! You are actually right, there are only five members from four countries that are going undercover as Chinese agents."

"This mission will take place in 5 days, so Max needs to pack and leave tomorrow because tomorrow we will meet all five undercover agents, discuss our plan and get you five in as Chinese agents before anyone notices that you five aren't."

"Pack your things, Max, and get ready!" the headmaster's last words before ending the call.

"So, are we going to discuss anything?" Liam asks, playing with a pen as he sits down on a chair and looks at Max.

"No," Max sighs after saying that.

"Don't you have something else to handle?" Liam lifts his eyebrow at Max.

"I don't think so...".

"Wait, yes! School! Shoot!".

"Wow, you remember!" Liam said in a sarcasm tone.

"Can you do something for me, Liam?" Max asks cutely.

Liam then looks Max up and down before asking, "And that is?".

"Can you attend my school as a new student to keep an eye on Rina so no one hurts her while I'm gone?".

"You gotta be kidding me!" Liam burst out.

"I ain't going to no school! I'm smarter than that!" he cried.

"But, I won't be here and you will be lonely, so please?" Max asks cutely.

"Fine! Only for your sake!".

Liam didn't hate school, he just never liked the idea of how the school system operated, plus he had a crush on a teacher when he was 11-year-old and in grade 10 the teacher never liked him the way he was hoping she would like him so he stayed far away from school. He says he can't handle rejections.

So, by the age of 12 -13, he finished highschool and moved to university. By the age of 16 he had finished university, then started spending his time around computers looking for his dad that hurt his mother.

He wasn't successful in finding his dad, but was successful to meet Max in Juvenile and became his close friend where they both will stop men that commit harms to females.

But, he never once gave up on finding his dad, but I guess you could say he's just distracted now and lost track of finding his dad.