His special gadget is a F teleporter

*Ring, ring* "Well that's the bell. Liam helped me to bring Rina to my car," Juliet said as she tried to wake Rina.

"Sure!", Liam said as he quickly took up Rina's items and started to help Rina walk.

"Where...are...we... going?" Rina slowly asked as she slowly tried to open her eyes.

Liam smiles cutely with a wink and says, "You're going home!", happily.

"Haha, you are actually sweet!" Rina laughed as she lightly pinched Liam on the cheek.

"Alright you two. Get in the car now," Juliet laughed while saying.

Liam helps Rina to sit in the passenger seat, then helps to put Rina items in the trunk.

Juliet noticed Liam didn't look as if he was going into the car so she offered to drop him home then.

"Ahm...Liam, want me to drop you home?".

"Haha, I'm good! You just carry home Rina!", he laughed, but the truth is Liam wasn't heading home.

He was going to head to his base and do some research on Juliet's husband so he could approach Mr Francis professionally without causing a problem.

"Alright, head home safe!" Juliet shouted as she drove off.

"Alright time to call one of my enforcement to drop me off by my base..."


Meanwhile on the C. U. C. A. S mission, Max, Alex and Gelissa were planting cameras around the Chinese agency to keep an eye on the mission while they were watching themselves as well.

They plant cameras around the areas the UK agents would be, England agents to ensure that they don't come to any harm while the queen is around, the Chinese agents and cameras at the front and back gate because somewhere in the line of stealing the nano lightening blaster the US agents have to pass through those gates to get here or to leave from here.

Meanwhile Angelina was setting up somewhere secretive for her to watch the camera and help Max, Alex, Gelissa and Francisco with their part of the mission.

While Max was planting a camera around the area UK agents would stay he got encountered by a small problem.

"What are you doing right there?" a UK agent asked, who was standing behind Max with a laser gun.

"Max, there is a UK agent behind you with a 2 by 2 x laser gun!" Angelina shouted over the earpiece.

"Couldn't you tell me that just a bit faster?!" Max sarcastically asks.

"Aye, it's not my fault the camera you planted on the wall behind you wasn't picking up!" Angelina annoyingly said.


"Aye, I asked what you were doing there!" The UK agent asks as he slowly walks closer to Max, pointing the laser gun at him.

"Aye, let's not get too evil, now..." Max laughs as he puts his hands up in the air.

"I will ask one more time, what are you doing?!".

"Not going to tell you!" Max laughs, then puts his hands backwards and rests them on the shoulders of the UK agent, then puts his feet on the wall that was before him and flicks over the UK agent.

When he landed he put the UK agent in a lock from behind and asked, "What's your name?".

The UK agent struggled to say a word then shouted, "S, they called me!".

"Well S, time for you to sleep," Max said as he pulled out his smart pen and pressed the bottom of the pen in front of S.

S became unconscious as he inhaled the air that came from Max's smart pen.

"Angie, tell France to get over here and put this man somewhere he won't think nothing happened," Max said over his earpiece as he dropped S to the floor.

"Copy that!".

"In the meantime, let's see what you've been carrying around S." Max stoops down then begins to search S.

"Damn S, they rank you pretty low... wait a minute..." Max pauses, then begins to brainstorm.

"Shit! Angie tells Goldie to watch his back and tell France when he is on his way to ensure no one sees him coming!" Max threw on a serious face as he realized something was up.

"I tell them, but why?" Angelina asks as she was curious why she needed to warn Alex and Francisco to watch out when she saw nothing bad on the screen.

"Because, S is a newbie rank. Means that if he's a newbie rank someone must be watching over him to ensure that he's okay. And my guess is that if S has someone watching him means they will come looking for him and Goldie is pretty close to me, he's in the other room from me."

"And if he's not attacking Goldie, he must be watching me and if France comes into the room, he's going to call for backup."

"In fact, scan where I am and look if you see S sub guard."

"Copy that!".

"No need, Max, I found him. He's knocked out and has his memory wiped waiting for France to pick him up." Alex said, as he got connected to Max through the headmaster.

"Thanks Alex!".

Few minutes later Francisco showed up and took out his special gadget which allowed him to move from one place to another in no time.

He called it the 'F teleporter'. It was black, looking like a car key with a button that has the letter f.

"Where are you going to put them?" Max asked.

"In their bedroom...".

Max was speechless by what Francisco just said so he never said another word, but left Francisco to do his work.

Francisco's special gadget had a limit. It only works with what his mind thinks. The F teleporter looks like a car key, yes, but whenever you hold it, it automatically starts listening to your mind. If your mind is focusing on a place but you have never been there, it will not work.

It only works if you have been there, and your mind remembers you've been there. It took around two years before Francisco could master how to use his special gadget.

Soon after Francisco was finished with his task, then everyone went back to their task.