Past with Mr. Dark

After Max walked away and went back to the room, he found his entire squad cleaning up.

"Guys, no need for that. Head off to bed already, I will clean it. After all, we have a busy day tomorrow," he said with one of his famous relaxed smiles.

His squad did as he said and went off to bed.

After finishing tidying up, he went to take a shower.

While in the shower, the water from the shower came running down from his dark black silky hair down to his muscular chest, running down to his abs and down to his feet.

He slowly runs his hand over his hair as the thought of his past with Mr Dark comes back to him.


"You see this here?" Mr Dark asked Max, who was chained like an animal in a dark room.

"My mom!" Max said as he saw his mom cleaning the outside of their house.

"Yes, your mom, and if you don't do what I say, I will have my men blow her head." the man said as he pointed his gun in his hands to the tablet he was showing Max's mother on.

"You wouldn't!" Max screamed as he fought to be released from the chains he was chained with.

"Boys, go in on his mother." Mr Dark commanded his men, then on the tablet Mr Dark was holding showed two men walking up to Max's mother and putting a knife at her throat.

"DON'T! PLEASE, DON'T!" he cried out with tears running from his eyes.

"So, will you do what I ask of you?" Mr Dark asked with a threatening voice.

"Yes..." Max replied with his head down in a low voice.

Mr Dark walked closer to Max and put his gun at his head and whispered, "Speak up, son. Your mother's life is on the line.".

"YES, GODDAMMIT! YES!" Max shouted, with tears rolling down his face. "Jus... Just... Just don't hurt her," he spoke again, with tears pouring down his cheeks.


A little tear started to form in Max's eyes as he remembered the horrible past he had with Mr Dark.

He bangs the wall in the shower as the thought of losing his mother touches his heart.

Even after the hell Max went through with Mr Dark, he never once thought about revenge.

He's afraid of Mr Dark and afraid of what he could do to him or his mother.

His mother is the only person he has, and he goes through too much hell to protect his mother; so to avenge anyone he believes he can't take down felt like he was wasting the times he had with his mother.

After crying in the shower he came out and got dressed, then called someone on his smart watch since he didn't have his phone with him.

"Hey mom...".

"Max? Are you alright?" his mother asked with a worried tone.

"I'm wonderful, mom".

"Is everything okay? No one seems to be watching the house or looking suspicious, right?" Max question.

"Haha, no dear. Mommy is okay.", his mother laughed sweetly at her son.

Hearing his mother's cheerful voice made him smile as a little tear fell from his eye.

"You will soon come back home, right?" his mother asked worriedly.

"Not as yet, but soon. But if anything happens, don't be afraid to call me! I will be there if you need me!".

His serious tone made his mommy smile, even though she wanted him to have a normal life as a teen but it ended up taking a different turn, she still loved her son more than anything.

Well, she couldn't blame him either for the way he is now, because growing up with an abusive father built a lot of negative energy inside him and the only way for him to channel all those emotions was for him to do something good but in the shadows, by becoming a teen vigilante.

She doesn't accept him being out there and that he might get hurt, but this is his choice of handling things on his own and learning to grow into a better man, so she won't stop him.

"Max, be an obedient son and go to bed now, it's night over there, right?" his mother asked, as she could hear the crying in his voice.

"Okay, mom and don't baby me..." he said then ended the call and went off to bed.


Liam POV

While in Juliet's office hanging around, well trying to get more information on her husband, I engaged in small talks with her since Rina was with that Daniel guy.

I don't trust him, not because he's a liar, but his aura gives me a feeling that he's not a good guy.

But, since Rina believes he's the one that saved her, I won't get involved, even though I know I should be getting involved.

While engaging in some small talk with Juliet, I saw her husband walk in and say, "I'm heading out".

My guess was that he's going to his company, so I bumped into him on purpose when he was about to leave Juliet's office and put a tracking device on his briefcase.

"My apologies for bumping into you." I smiled and played it cool until he walked away.

"Juliet, um, excuse me please," I asked.


I walked over to where Rina was, since it was lunchtime and since it was she was outside with her liar new friend.

"Rina, um, can I speak to you?" I pulled Rina away from her new friends and told her I was leaving.

"Leaving? Are you ill?" she questioned.

"No, I' I am sick...cough, cough," I pretend to be ill so she would have an excuse why I won't be attending class.

"Rina, please be okay, and don't trust that guy too much, okay?" I said to her, then pulled away from her.

I walked away and while walking away she gave me this confused expression, then went back to the Daniel dude.

I pulled out my phone as I saw Mr Francis go into his car and called one of my enforcement to carry a few things for me to change in.

"Prepare my blue suit with my tie, my black Leather Derby shoe, my face changing pen and my blue hat. Meet me by Max school in 10 minutes."

After the call ended, I quickly walked up to Mr Francis' car and put a tracking device on his car just in case he changed his briefcase.

I quickly walked away from the car and watched him drive away then after I made a white lie about why they needed to allow me to leave the school.

After, I walked a little distance away from the school where I saw my enforcement coming from the top of the street.