
"Solitude!" I shouted after realizing what I just said in my head.

That's right! This is the place where Fily lost all of her memories! The anti-super place!

But how did I get here?

The last time I was able to come here was when the butcher man was trying to kill me!

But I was just sleeping a while ago. And unless someone was trying to kill me while I sleep then I see no other reason as to why and how I was able to come here!

[Please wait while I process the beginner's manual for your training] Lady announced.

I decided to call my Stat-hut Lady since Mr. Gemini has a name, I figured it would be hard for them to talk to each other without names.

That aside, I am still curious as to how I was able to come here during a normal day. And oh my gosh! Halma is visiting later! I need to deal with this real quick!

[Downloading Beginner's training manual.]