
"Here." Petunia whispered to the guards following her and pointed at the tunnel where the Crones brought Von and Lei in. 

Right after Petunia's encounter with the Queen and after helping the Crones get out of the Queen's senses safely, she immediately followed after them and took note of the routes they took, avoiding the most secured parts of the Castle and using a forgotten underground tunnel that was almost connected to the basement where they were just hiding in that morning.

"Where are you going, Pet?" the Queen asked when Petunia tried to go away from her subtly.

"Uhh, I forgot something at the library." Petunia said and laughed awkwardly.

"Oh," the Queen nodded and let her go. "Go to my office immediately, okay? I can't believe I almost skipped work today, *yawns*" 

Upon hearing the Queen yawn, Petunia suddenly had an overused idea popped into her mind once again.