"Fily!! Catch!" Petunia meowed as her ruined Gummy cloud was nearing the grassland of a hill near the amusement park where Venedette decided to park the Levi-yacht above.
"Coming!" Fily said and stood in a lunge position to use her Super Puff for Petunia's safe landing.
"Slowly," Venedette directed Von while carrying Lei as their feet touched down on the ground.
"Whooo! That was fun!"
"And scary," Lei added after being let go of Venedette.
While Gem was rolling around the hill to calm her senses down, Lei, on the other hand, chose to kneel and stay still while doing several breathing exercises to also calm down.
"I'm dizzy," Petunia said while hanging on Fily's shoulders like a handkerchief.
"Oh no, how about your Gummy cloud, Pet?" Fily exclaimed while looking at the ruined purple cloud around her.
"I'll fix it later," Petunia said and almost puked because of the winding ride.