Ice bullets

"He's totally caught up with that ice shower," Fily said, regarding Von who was still star-struck by the hail storm behind them and shook her head while going behind Venedette who was already in line for the checkpoint.

Gem, on the other hand, was busy hiding her face with Petunia while walking behind Fily as if she was afraid of catching the attention of the people who were also waiting in line with them.

But since her teammates were all walking confidently like superstars amongst the crowd, Gem's wish of being unnoticed was already far-fetched. It was impossible for them to not stand out, especially by wearing colorful sleeveless coats in a crowd full of normal-looking people with normal padded clothes to counter the cold climate.

"Are you uncomfortable?" Lei asked while trying to catch Gem's eyes when she peeked and then immediately buried her face back to Petunia's snow-white furs after seeing everybody's gaze on her.