High kick

"Uhmm, so…" the timid nerdy kid said with a bit of nervous fidgeting which made Venedette soften her approach a little bit.

"Go on," she said.

"I-It was my fault. I was supposed to aim Bruno's gun somewhere near you guys to scare you away but I didn't know Bruno could perfect his aim and actually hit one of you, his aim is usually hopeless on a normal basis but somehow his aim became perfect this time. I'm really sorry Princess, please forgive us," the nerdy kid said without looking at Venedette and bowing the whole time while pleading with his hands together. He seemed as if he also wanted to go down on his knees but Venedette didn't let him do that anymore.

"Why would you do that? Why would you try to scare us away?" Venedette asked in her mellow voice.