Peace of mind

"Good Morning Petunia! Thank goodness you're finally awake! Come on! Everybody's waiting for us," Gem said the moment Heize opened her eyes.

And although the blinding white light around her was making her vision blur, she immediately recognized Gem with the voice that was imprinted in Petunia's memories, which she was also confused to see wrapped around her neck in that weird white empty space.

"Wh-where's everyone? Where are we?" Petunia asked but Gem only ignored her question and instead squatted in front of her with a pout.

"Are you saying you don't want to come with us?" Gem said, which made Heize wonder if she was still in Petunia's memories or if she's already back in the real world.

Because not only did she lose control over Petunia's memories, but she was sure that she and Petunia made a deal to save and help each other the moment they got out of that quick summary of Petunia's memories.