Blue Heart

"You want to do this the hard way, huh?" Petunia said with a frown to the cloud that was still out of control.

"Is she going to use her Gummy cloud to battle against that angry cloud?" Von asked with a slightly amused tone which made Gem hit him lightly in the arm for making a very serious disaster into a joke.

"Wait… There's another cloud there! I forgot about it!" Lei said and started walking back and forth with his hands over his face.

"What do you mean there's another cloud back there?" Gem said and tried to make sense of what Lei was saying.

"A jar! There's a jar inside that room with another cloud that's similar to that one!" 

"And?" Gem asked while paying full attention to what Lei was trying to say.

"And it will cause more problems for Petunia if it also manages to escape its jar!" Lei said and peeked inside the laboratory through the glass window of the door with haste.