
"What we know is a drop, what we ignore is an ocean"

Cold as ice, that was all I felt around me. I had no idea where I was and why I couldn't move. Everything around me was so dark...could the shadows have swallowed me? "Me" but, who am I? I don't know. I just feel something flowing through my veins, is it my blood? How could my blood circulate through my body when I feel so…frozen?

There are so many unanswered questions, like a maze. I can't understand, I don't remember and as much as I try, it's as if what happened before has been erased. I was trying to concentrate on hearing something, pushing away that depression that took over my heart like the night at dusk, and all I heard were steps. The sound resonated in my ears in a distant and muffled way, but it seemed closer and closer. I needed to shout, wave, do something! Amazingly, I couldn't move, something was holding me back, but what would it be?

The steps were closer and closer. Probably using my last breath, if I were really alive, I concentrated my strength in order to shake myself. I struggled, and in the midst of my strokes in the dark, I started to notice that there were no shadows but that my eyes were closed. It didn't take long for me to open them and see that I was buried. Buried in the ice.

I screamed and no sound came out of my lips. I felt suffocated. It was as if I was still sleeping, a lethargy that took over my body more and more as I tried to punch that wall of ice that was above me. Every time I kicked I felt like I was ... sinking? Is that it then? Was I going to die? Or was I already dead? It doesn't matter, I need to try, before I lose my consciousness.

I continued to hit and staring, I could see something dark above me, they were "feet". They looked like paws, but I quickly noticed a pair of feet, and believing that this would be my salvation, I tried to fight against that icy abyss that pulled me down. I hit, hit like it was the last thing I would do in my life, and maybe it was. Before I lost consciousness, could I see something approaching, a face? I don't know, I couldn't distinguish anything anymore, everything became dark again...

- Come Bao! Help me! Come with me! - I heard a sound far away but my senses were still weak. - That's my champion! - My body looked like stone, I was sinking little by little.

I heard a metallic noise but did not know what it was. It felt like the cold of that place had penetrated my soul. Yeah, I'm going to die, but at least I tried, tr--.

- Pull! Come on buddy! You can! - As crazy as it sounded, the sound that was distant before seemed closer and the previous darkness gave way to something lighter, but I knew it was late, I no longer felt any part of my body, I was going to die frozen.

Do you know the feeling of being disconnected before the best part? Yeah, that's what happened to me but do you know the truth? There would be no better part.

My head hurt. I didn't know how much time had passed. I died? I felt like I was wrapped up, maybe I was. I had died, right? Maybe not, maybe the universe has given me a second chance after all, second chances are for fools who haven't said enough.

I heard a clearer sound that approached until it touched me. I wanted to jump, run, however, I still felt weak and so I chose to cringe and then wait for the worst. Something moist and soft brushed the tip of my nose and slowly, I opened my eyes to face me, like a dog. I analyzed it, it was beautiful, and the dog seemed to smile at me, but even so, I preferred to remain cautious and just stroke his head until interrupted.

- I'm glad you woke up! - I heard a firm voice behind me and stood up abruptly.

- Aaargh! - I let out a howl of pain, my head hurt instantly because of the sudden movement.

- Oh my--! I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you! - The boy who spoke to me earlier approached. I stepped away and picked up something that looked like a bowl, I pointed in his direction, threatening him.

- WHO ARE YOU AND WHAT DO YOU WANT WITH ME?! - I shouted throwing the object that ended up being deflected by him.

- What the fu**! Do you want to stop it?! - He tried to approach me and I dodged. I threw a glass ball with confetti in his direction, which made him put his hand on his forehead. When I was going to jump out of this place, taking advantage of his distraction, the dog that had previously licked me bit me on the leg and for hesitation I kicked him. The dog came out crying and when I was close to the doorknob, something caught me. There were strong arms around me, trapping me.

- AAAAARGH! Let me go! - I screamed, what would it be now? What does this man want with me?

- Not until you tell me who you are! - He spoke next to my ear, he was strong, I couldn't get away.

- I already told you to let me go! - I tried to bite him without success, I elbowed him to free myself from his embrace. Again when I was near the door, I heard a loud, non- human growl.

- Bao! Are you alright?!! - The moment I heard the name, I remembered the ice, the shadow, a face. I was static. I didn't want to hurt the animal... - Talk to me boy! - When I was going to approach, I stepped back, it was no use, I had to get out of there.

I opened the door and all I saw was a huge white horizon, it felt like I was in another world, another planet.

Still afraid, I chose to go, I couldn't stay here. I followed the white path that opened in front of me, my feet buried in that clear earth. I kept going, maybe I would find someplace safe and--

- YOU!!! - I felt something cold hit me, not so strong but enough to make me take a few steps forward. I turned and saw the man again and started running. What did that guy want? !!

- LEAVE ME IN PEACE! - I tried to run but it was so slippery, my foot was sinking into the ice.

- YOU HURT MY DOG! I SAVED YOU AND THAT'S HOW YOU THANK ME?! The boy continued to scream in the cold silence. I kept running, but it felt like my feet were locking and the stranger behind me was getting closer and closer, until he pulled me by the arm and I fell backwards, not without first seeing the precipice that was in front of me. I was without reaction. I turned around and the guy looked at me and only now was I able to notice the man in front of me better. He looked young, maybe 22 years old? Dark hair, snow-white skin around us, tall and strong but not muscular. His features were so delicate and yet so manly that I felt intimidated, but nothing left me more stunned than his completely black eyes. It was a deep black, it reminded me of something, looking at it deep inside them I felt such a deep happiness, something familiar. "Do not trust earthmen" that word came to mind. I don't remember hearing it, it sounded like a bell that I decided to ignore.

- Two rescues in less than 24 hours? - I turned my face embarrassed, I didn't know what to say. - I think you owe me one, don't you? - He looked at me again with steady eyes. I saw a stone far away and he saw that I had seen it. - I won't defend myself this time.

I wanted to take that rock, hit him and run away, but something about that guy gave me confidence, made me want to trust him.

- I don't know. - I said finally. He continued to stare at me, I was starting to feel embarrassed.

- Don't you know what? - He asked inquisitively.

- I do not know what to say. I don't know who I am. - I turned my face, I was running out of air.

- Come, come with me. - He started to get up.

- No.

- No? Do you want to spend your life out here, in this cold place? - He asked looking at me from above. He was really tall.

- Look, I told you. Leave me alone, get on with your life. There is nothing here for you.

He was looking at me, I couldn't know what this boy was thinking. He put his fingers together on his lips and whistled and from inside the house came the dog that I had kicked before.

- He's fine, if that's the problem. - The boy knelt beside his dog, stroking it. - Ah, he knows how to hurt when necessary, right Bao? - The dog looked at me showing its teeth. I didn't want to go, but something was going against my desire. I decided to accept your proposal and we headed towards your home.