The plan is doomed

As a plan started to form in my mind for how to accomplish this a helicopter had landed on the far side of the island and little did I know it was someone who has a vested interest in me and Arya. I didn't know this but I soon would. as we made our way to the side of the island where the plant was for the power and water supply for the island we encountered the security team out searching for us. the lycan who was in the dungeon with me was there and he shifted in front of the humans which was against our laws we were to stay hidden for survival reasons. well I actually couldn't say laws it was more of a consensus but here he was shifting. the humans unaffected by this unresponsive to this started shouting orders to cease us. as they moved towards us I put my hands to my hip where the ruby red katana was and moved step for step like I was feeling for the shadows and dancing with them. many arts had been made over the years with different names all involved being in tune with the shadows but none more so competent than this art that seemed like supernatural magic even when humans practiced it before it was killed out by those who wanted power but feared others having it. as I moved I watched confusion and fear flicker across their faces as one by one in a swift motion heads limbs and blood went flying. I was here I was there I was everywhere executing kills one after the other. I beheaded one guy disarmed and delegged the other gutted one disemboweled another and severed one in half vertically making him vertically challenged. I went about in gruesome delight as the thirsty blood rage in me was sated and the sun's light only felt like a smothering blanket wrapped around me like an extra layer of skin. suffocating but not devastating like it would be if I was just a vardalak. I moved past to the lycan he roared and lunged for me and I moved taking my time ensuing the death by a thousand cuts motion that many practices for torture. he finally dropped blood loss claiming him cause he couldn't heal fast enough I then beheaded him and flicked a zippo and dropped it on him for good measure. I sheathed the katana and got back in the vehicle and drove through the gate for the plant. alarms blared back at the institute indicating the intrusion on the otherside of the island for the plant. the lycan standing at the station noticed and moved to deal with it. we were inside the plant rigging and destroying what we could when my ears caught a slight sound above all the ruckus that was out of place. just as I and the vardalak was destroying equipment I responded faster than I thought possible and slashed just as a man bending in half like the limbo came at us moving underneath my sword. he stood up and faced us as my face dropped realizing me and Arya was in danger and there stood the Merrick. we were doomed but the vardalak hadn't caught up to that conclusion based upon my continence and foolishly rushed him. as the vardalak sailed past him there was a hole in him and his demeanor dropped as he turned and muttered "help me, Ambrose" I didn't even know what to respond when suddenly Arya sobbed in fear never having seen her dad ruthlessly kill before for no unprovoked apparent reason and more so having come to his execution of another. He moved and grabbed her being the next closest and lifted her in the air by her throat. she struggled and the last time flashed before my eyes but then, I had outsmarted him this time he seemed resigned to kill her regardless of how he cared for her. "orders are different the king wants you dead. your a threat to his reign and his control of our kind." I was so sure of that it was such an obvious answer because I was going to assassinate him. "why her?" my question wasn't unnoticed in meaning and he responded in kind. "he wants her dead to just in case...." his meaning wasn't lost on Arya who turned her eyes down cast in embarrassment. I froze as a new scent made it's way through the woods merrick hadn't noticed but I knew their scents and their magic could do nothing to change that. he took my response to be subliminal submission but it wasn't. he looked at Arya and said "all you had to do was listen and stay at the castle grow older and bare his pups and you would've made a great queen for him being the only pureblood to have been born of two bitten." the answer of her prowess came in that little message and it also explained why she was in the woods that day. she too was running away to recuperate just as I was.a unique union like my own and just as uniquely required. I moved forward just as he squeezed hard and wagged his finger "no funny business will save you now and no trickery either your both going to die whether I wish for either of you too or not orders are orders and to survive I must obey" I realized he didn't want me to die either the only problem was I don't stay dead but Arya would. I couldn't lose someone else I cared about and needed to do what I could to protect them. it came to me then the sisters were after me and if they were after me they wouldn't want their revenge spoiled I knew they could hear me so I said really low under my breath "just great I guess I'm to die by your hand" he smiled thinking I had given up till a hand ruptured through his back holding his heart splattering blood across Arya's face. she dropped to the ground and I grabbed her and ran as fast as I could forgetting about the second sister and only remembering her just as an arm shot out from behind a tree and close lined me. I dropped Arya and hit my back. she laughed coyly like a devilish minx which invited other images and ideas of a remembered shared time. shortly after Kat showed up and clicked her tongue disapprovingly. "now didn't your momma ever teach you any manners?" she stopped and pretended to think about it then said "oh that's right she abandoned you to be someone's sex slave again guess the dick was to good to stay away from for long. my rage rolled through me as my vision got sharper. "ooh looky looky Sammy his eyes have become a brighter red and he's mad too!" they both laughed and chittered over my rage like they weren't scared of me then they seen Arya unconscious and said "whose this?is it your lover? nah I don't think so cause she smells like a virgin and she don't have your scent. oh well though it's too bad she has to die to." I guess I just doomed Arya from one death that had meaning to someone, to one that had no meaning by someone who didn't even know her name. I was such a fuck up today like this poison was impairing my thought process. just as I thought of the poison a thought struck me. vardalaks drink blood the poison is heavily in my system they drink my blood they get it too!! all I had to do was out fox them into drinking my blood and they'd be as bad off as I am. then I could outfight them with the shadow rythm technique. I decided pissing them off was the best way to get the results I wanted. I started with Kat "damn must suck to get sloppy seconds knowing Sam did a better job fucking the sloppy seconds than you did." I smiled as I said these last words cause they weren't entirely true and like a teenager Sam laughed and said "damn he slammed you now you know what he thought of sex with you" kat turned to Sam and said "oh really now whose side are you on anyways?" sam went to rebuttal but I interjected " don't gloat yet sammy because you may have fucked good but your body is boring. Kat has a nice pair and a firm plump soft ass. oh and her mouth is just as good as having your pussy if not better" sam confused and enraged at being called physically boring for a lack of physical proportions said "oh really? I think your fucking confused cause you just said she sucks in bed and I'm better but now your saying she is better due to her body and mouth. so which is it whose better and who isn't?" I smiled as kat interjected before I could answer and said "oh sammy don't be salty" I laughed and said "neither of you should be salty" they both looked at me puzzled and said "why not?" I laughed before answering "cause neither of you can compete with your mother's skills and physical adequacy" and I winked for effect. they both turned red in the face and madder than dogs "don't speak ill of our dead mother". and like that I had them both ensnared and they didn't realize it. they lunged and I pretended at dodging and fighting back to entrap them into doing everything possible to get me and they did. sam bit my shoulder and kat wrapped around me and dug her teeth into my ribs I pretended to subdue and drop out of pain. as they coughed and spluttered and teetered about. I stood smiling laughing and spoke " I, due to my mixed heritage, have barely handled the level of wolfsbane poison in my system y'all aren't mixed so it's going to be worse for y'all. if your lucky we will meet again cause for now your plight is endearing enough to be graciously kind to you this time but I won't next time." having proven my worth and intellect I left them to fate the nasty little cunt that I knew would ensure me seeing them again and that was what I wanted oddly enough. I grabbed Arya and headed back to the plant and our vehicle near Merricks dead body and Curtis's dead body. I resumed disarming and destroying everything the humans needed and had. I loaded Arya up and headed for the main building.