


The ride to her hostel was so boring, riele dozed off more than fourteen times within half an hour journey all because the driver wouldn't stop talking about things she didn't know about and don't want to know about, to top it up he started screaming adele - someone like you,as if she was the one who broke his heart.

So all she had to do right now is to find her room she loved her privacy other than sharing it with someone she didn't know nothing about, but her mom wouldn't let her live alone cause to her riele was way too irresponsible to stay alone.

"Ughh!!"she finally found it after fifteen minutes, it was not a lot of time but to her there were many things she could use it for like sleeping, tell me who doesn't like sleeping!'she thought.

Just before she could knock, the door opened revealing a girl her age with long black hair, blue eyes that you can't tell the difference with the sky ,she was putting on a green kneel length fancy gown telling she's going somewhere.

"Hey starer?"the sky blue eyes said.

"Ahm that's not the name"

"Yeah I know, i am guessing the cloth looks stupid, this is the first time i'm putting on a gown and here is my first impression,better go change before everybody i meet on the road starts asking me if i need help"she complained looking at the gown.

"The dress actually looks nice you know,you just need a few changes,do you want some finishing touches?"riele suggested.

"i would love that but please don't judge me based on your type of dressing" the sky blue eyes eyed rieles clothes.

"I get that a lot",well she's not totally wrong considering the fact that riele always went for something she feels comfortable in,its not like she didn't like dressing well,but going out of her comfort zone was not her thing and today is one of does day were she felt like just walking in her pajamas,what she is wearing is actually close to that :a black oversized tracksuit supposed to be worn by a size 14 and am 10, yup not exactly skinny, a sport bra which was covered by her hoodie.

Her mom always told her to dress nice in other words "dress the way you wanted to be addressed", that she wouldn't know where she was going to meet a certain important person ,but Riele never did take that advice,if that was really how it works she guessed most days she will be considered an homeless person.

"Didn't mean that in a rude way though,i am jessica dawn and you?"sky eyes introduced.

"Riele downs"

"Wow cool thing with the name there: dawn downs,why are you still standing at the door with your things,come in and make yourself comfortable only in your space though."she said while heading towards the mirror.

"That seems more like a warning than telling?" Riele questioned

"Yeah it is."

Others might think that jess was impudent but Riele actually find her straight forward and interesting.

"Come let me help you with your hair do"Riele walked in with her luggage.


"You new here right?"

"Wise question" Riele answered sarcastically.

"I just wanted to start up a conversation" she sighed.

"Alright,yeah I'm new here from America ,and you?"

"Nope,have been staying in Canada my whole life"


Riele finished curling Jessica's hair,but didn't fail to tug on it a little. 'rieya's' instincts.

"Ouch!!!,are you okay!!"

"That's for insulting my dressing style"She laughed evilly while she hopped on Jessica's bed.

"I told you I didn't mean it like that stupid!"she half yelled "and what her you doing on my bed "

"Still doesn't matter,I'm just trying to rape it is there a problem" Riele gave her a smug smile mixed with an innocent face while running her hands on jess bed sheet.

"If you don't get up I will-"she said loudly

"Throw me off the window" riele completed her sentence.

"How did you know"she looked at Riele in disbelief.

"A magician never reveals her secret" she smiled then got up.

"Whatever" She got up and took her purse then gave herself one last glance at the mirror.

"See ya later Riele"


Riele examined the room for the first time it wasn't really that bad and she thought that jess isn't the girly type either the room consist of ; two separate bed at each end of the horizontal wall,each having its own desk,two wardrobe in fact every thing you can think of are in two's except the bathroom"such disappointment "the walls were painted in peach with a white paint dividing it horizontally.

She took her phone from her pocket so She could call Daniella,she didn't let go off riele when she was leaving yesterday,she was crying profusely that riele clothes got soaked,'haha I got myself one cute friend' riele thought.

"Dada how you doing "Riele teased.

" I told you not to call me that"daniella sighed

"Why are you sounding moody" She asked genuinely concerned.

"Already missing you" she sounded like she was about to explode with tears.

Dani has not always been like this,it all started when her mom died from a sudden heart attack,she was this cute blonde lively girl before that.

"I know its not that,just because i am not in USA doesn't mean i can't smack you ,so start talking" riele said in a commanding tone.

"Well that's the only thing I don't miss about you" she giggled "its nothing much just missing two important people in my life" she sighed again.

"Dani just because Helen is dead doesn't mean she is gone"

she snickered in response.

"That might seem funny or weird but its true,she isn't gone in the sense that her memory still remains in you and that's what you should cherish right now dani."

"That was weirdly relieving"

Riele could feel her smile through those words.

"Hey don't mock my sense of comfort"

"Indeed,so how was your flight I know you must have complained through the entire journey" dani laughed.

"Ouch,i am not that kind of person" riele faked being hurt.

She then told her everything that happened including how she bumped into a weird looking stewardess,they talked for an hour before she cut the phone so she could arrange her things


She was getting ready to go to bed after arranging her stuffs when the door opened revealing Jess with a cloth half torn at the edges, smeared makeup and hair totally scattered "I predict that it was absolutely bad seeing your appearance right now." Riele asked.

"Don't get me started,this is absolutely the worst day of my life!!no one ever told me that gowns bring bad luck,cause i am damn sure this gown is from the underworld"she screamed tears almost dropping from her blue eyes

"I don't think the underworld is a place for producing clothes jess,much less a gown,so what happened you look like a dumpster."

"Well thanks for the reminder"she raised her eyebrows giving riele a deadly glare

"My brother apparently thinks i'm a loner which absolutely i am not and tried setting up a date for me,buying me this cursed dress!since I'm not the type to read a weather forecast before i go out, i decided to walk it since its not faraway and i'm so close to being over weight but the weepy mother universe decided to pour her juice on me. I ended up getting to the restaurant soaked ,for them to tell me that the dumb-ass left me!!" She screamed everything in ten seconds.

"Whoah that's big and beside you classifying yourself as overweight means I am obsessed, what an insult"Riele rolled her eyes.

"I am not done yet"she glared",then I called my brother to give him a piece of my mind and of course he didn't pick,then an unknown number called which I later found out it was the supposed date,apologizing and telling me to come to his house which was a few miles away and my idiotic self decided to go only to find out that he has a cat!!a freaking cat!!!!!!,I wouldn't call it an allergy but I so much hate cats."she ranted.

"Awwwww,why?cats are so cute there eyes holds this fierceness that I just adore,I absolutely admire the ones with black colors"riele said dreamily

"Riele !!!!!!!!!!!!"

"I'm in the middle of a story here!!"she screeched while spacing to and fro.

"O"riele mouthed

"Yeah Riele,that stupid cat you so much adore did this to my clothes just because I kicked it off the couch"

"I'm not going to say anything else other than you deserve that part! What did the poor cat ever do to you?"riele held her chest in disbelieve.

"Shut up"

"No can't do"


"Anyways you just interrupted my beauty sleep with your dilemma"riele sighed.

"You can call it that but i am going to name it dooms day."

"I think I prefer 'cat-astropy'"riele waved her hands in the air like she was about to open two windows.

Jess gave her a facial expression indirectly telling riele that it wasn't helping.

"What ever,its a life time experience,everyone has that once in a while"

"you call that wise words"she said taking off her silver heels and ear rings.

"Off course and besides they are straight from the heart and are pure as rain water"

"I never knew you've got clouds in your heart"jess laughed.

"I always knew you didn't finish high school,the teacher who promoted you was using glasses and clearly couldn't see your stupidity."

"It's not your fault I asked for a friendly consolation"she sighed.

"Exactly not my fault,goodnight do-do"Riele turned her face to the wall while smiling.

"Don't you dare call me that"

"Or you're going to do what?" she smirked extremely pleased

"Become a murderer!"

"Pffft,that's if you can kill"



What do you think of this good or bad, or I should just stop writing ughhhhhh!. Please vote,thanks in advance

PS: dodo here mean excrement in simpler terms dung ,have really never called anyone that it just came to me right now 'when I was writing.' see ya next chapter!!!.