
"You know I wouldn't pass that chance for anything do-do."

" Yayyy,i won so you going"she squealed.

------evening time-------

'Well I hate to break it to every one who cares to listen out there that my decision was an absolute mistake!'riele sighed inwardly

"Stay Riele!"

"Why should I do that ,you are killing my eye lashes,you're practically stabbing them with the mascara."riele screamed

"Don't be ridiculous,I think you are going to be amazed when i'm done."

"That's if I don't pass out before then" she yelled again.

"Ok i am done"jess said while putting a red lipstick on riele lips"she sat on her bed folding one of her hands and the other signally riele to check herself in the mirror

Riele stood up and went to her oval shaped mirror since jess didn't let her see the whole starch-up process.

"Wow" Riele admired,she wasn't actually kidding cause the girl she was seeing standing at the mirror doesn't look anything like her,her curly hair stopped a little below her shoulders,the makeup was not much like jess made it out to be, She went a little down to look at her gown it wasn't that uncomfortable,it was a black gown with a V neck,the back was exposed but not too much,the gown hugged her body perfectly revealing her perfect curves,the gown stopped a bit above her kneels she remembered the dress was a gift from her cousin Alex. 'Amy is giggling right now'Riele thought.

"Jess"she said still not taking her eyes off the mirror.

"Yeah"jess said waiting for the praises.

" I think I am in someone else's body" Riele's eyes was getting bigger by the minutes

"Stupid, instead you should be thanking me"


"Bonjour"she bowed a little

Riele exploded with laughter

"What?"jess said still not realizing her mistake.

"That's French, 'stupid' and it has nothing to do with 'you welcome' it means 'good day'."


"Yeah,who is the dumdum now"Riele gave a smug smile.


They got to the club,with Riele having too much attention that She needed,from different horny dudes,she sneered at some who where scared and the others didn't mind they found it more attractive.The club wasn't extremely extravagant it was in-between just the type for people who want to party their lives out it had the normal club setting;minimum lights,a dance floor that was completely filled, couches at each end of the bar and a VIP section which was covered with a small curtain, looking at the VIP she thought that the main bar was just a coverup, her eyes shifted a little and she saw a counter not quite far from the door.

"I found it" she murmured"before she could move towards the counter, jess went to another direction not before shouting" Give me a minute ."

Before She could reply 'where she was going,

she disappeared,'ugh if she was going to do that why bring me here!'riele complained, she then went to the counter and took her sit,looking a bit uncomfortable,she took her phone to text Dani, the conversation that almost began was aborted by someone.

She turned to look at the sinner but her frustration changed when an handsome dude met her eyes.

He had long thick brown curly hair ,his black eyes just like hers and a pointed jaw,his eye lashes where curly too.

"Like what you see" he smirked

"You know that statement is getting old" she snorted.

"Thought it does something to girls ,its not too bad to try" he frowned.

"Maybe next time" She laughed.

"So what's a damsel doing here alone"

"First i am not a damsel cause the next thing you would probably say is i look distressed"she smiled in a way to say that she meant more than what she said.

He flickered in confusion but soon got over it "better start going before 'he ' cuts my head off" placing more emphasis on HE,he got up.

"It's a she"telling him she came with a girl and not a guy

"I'm Sean Walker"he said

"Riele downs" She turned to the counter signaling the end of the conversation.

"Hmm,do you mind?" Sean smiled awkwardly.

"Huh?" She looked at him confused.

He pointed downward,while she checked it out

"O" She mouthed

"It seems you and I are destined to be" he said

"Destined is a big word"she forced a smile,being frustrated about the bag refusing to come off,she dragged it forcefully,tiring her gown along.


"Bye" she replied in displeasure.

Jess showed up immediately Sean left and persistently told Riele to drink, riele at a time threatened to break one of the bottles on her head.

"Just one Riele "jess persisted even more.

"No I don't drink the only time i did was when I was 8 and you don't want to know how that turned out"

"Save the story just drink"

"No "

"One "


"Ughhh,ok let's make a deal"jess said almost completely frustrated.

"Your so called deal doesn't always favour me you know?"Riele brought out her phone about to do another thing.

"It would and beside its not really a deal just a game"

"Let me hear it"

"I would ask you a question if you fail to start answering or say another thing within five seconds you will take a drink and I would give you two other dares which if you don't,you will take a drink also"jess explained enthusiastically.

"What sort of rubbish game is that!" Riele said baffled.

"It was developed by me for you so let's start"

"Ughhhhhhhh!!!!! Ok"riele gave up

"Ok so tell me about your sex life"

"What the fuck!!!! Why would I tell you anything about that?" Riele screamed forgetting that she had fallen into jess traps.

She saw the glint in jess eyes before she realized what she had done to herself,this girl certainly wanted her drunk.

"Here she pushed the bottle of vodka for her to take a swing"

"I hate you!" Riele muttered before feeling the insipid taste of the vodka in her mouth,her face squeezed like she was being stepped on,it felt like she should cut off her tongue.

"Awwww, baby's first time drinking we need to get this on video" jess laughed to her hearts content. Ok here's your first dare,she closed her eyes and brought her hand to her head,seconds later her eyes snapped open.

I dare you to go naked

"What!!" if the music wasn't playing every single person would have heard her scream

"I am not going to do that nonsense"

"Then gladly take your vodka"jess smirked in triumph,this was her plan from the beginning,since riele was proving stubborn.

"Ptfff"what she thought came out harshly actually came out wrongly.

"Your third dare is to--" her eyes flickered behind riele then the crazy glint came again.

"Claim that that guy over there is your boyfriend to the girl with him,can you" she said teasingly

Riele turned to look at the guy jess was pointing at ,his back was the only thing visible to riele she turned back to face jess and said

" You know what i'm going to do that."

Jess looked surprised for a second,when Riele stood up and went to her target,she sighed in frustration because she actually wanted riele to finish the three drink but only succeeded in two'i should have given her something more difficult she thought.


Excuse me why are you talking to my boyfriend?Riele said while pushing the girl a little bit so She could stand near him.

Riele was drunk but she composed herself so much that you wouldn't realize except you look closer.

Boyfriend? The girl and the boy chorused.

"Yeah honey or are you going to deny me now huh?they always told me you would do that but I didn't believe them,i should have ."Riele faked her tears,remembering what her mom told her that acting should have been her choice career instead of gynecology,'I would finally believe her if this girl thinks its true'

"Excuse me who are you?"the girl with a red hair that looks like what was charred spoke.

"Are you deaf fire girl?well for clarification this is my soon to be husband because i am four weeks pregnant with his child." Riele said while putting her hands on his waist and the other on her stomach she couldn't look at his face so she could save myself double embarrassment. But in that moment what she least expected was for him to put his hands on her waist!!."

"She is"he said

While the girl angrily cat walked from them,the way she walked seems like she had nails stock in her legs, riele could swear she saw steam coming out from her ears.