Black belt

In the morning,while others were busy getting ready to do one thing or the other,a certain someone was busy rolling comfortably on the bed in all directions.

"Hey Riele wake up" Nicky sneaked into her room then screamed in her ears since she refused to wake up when he did it softly.

"Who are you? And leave me alone!" Riele said turning her face to the pillow.

"Its your lover boy and jess said you should get up,you are getting late"

'Yikes!like brother like sister ughh ,one thing most spoil your perfect morning 'riele thought,she was later in conflict whether to hit the pillow on Nicky's or jess head.

"I'm coming"she grumbled

Nicky left the room with a heavy bang on the door.

'Great' she sighed.

Riele crawled out of the bed to the room directly opposite.

Their wasn't much difference between riele's and jess room,there were two long window divided into four small boxes and in between the windows was a bed covered in her dark blue coloured bed sheet,the wall was painted in sky blue and the floor was also wooden brown like the rest of the house,there was a small reading table at the end of the room which was extremely dusty.

"Hey dodo" riele said standing up and yawning.

"Hey stupid,get ready we are running late!" Jess said while straitening her hair

"Yours or mine?"

"What"jess asked in confusion.

"Your bathroom or the guestroom?"

"Oh ya the guestroom hasn't been touched so there isn't any toiletries there , use mine"


Riele and jess are currently in the schools cafeteria with riele on jess clothes . A slightly loose blue ripped jeans on a white off shoulder crop top and to Riele surprise they both had the same shoe size, so riele took her white sneakers.

Leah came over and joined them.

"hey"she said in her usual inaudible voice.

"Hi" riele replied,while jess was staring weirdly.

"Oh ,jess this was the new friend I told you about."Riele said clearing jess confusion.

"Hey am leah"she stretched her hands

"Jess" she shook Leah's hands.

Leah sat down next to jess, took Riele's pizza from the plate and ate it .

"That was personal you know?" Riele complained.

"I don't know and I haven't found out yet" she said and took another bite.

Jess phone pinged, she read something immediately after her face brightened.

"What's going on?"Riele asked her.

"Ahm remember the new hot boy I told you about?"

"Yeah the one you haven't seen but lights up your mood"riele answered.

"He started today she screamed gleefully"

"Wait is it the same new boy?"leah asked smiling weirdly

"Ye-ah"jess stuttered

"What" Riele asked cause their reaction wasn't at all normal,she was totally lost.

"Well the new boy is at your back now. "

Riele remembered the voice clearly 'apollo' her mind went in total chaos. She turned her head slowly praying he wasn't the one

After she confirmed he was the one she turned back to look at Leah and jess because she didn't know what to say. Leah was now extremely busy sipping her juice from the straw while jess wasn't blinking.

He sat down next to riele and took a sip of her drink. 'what's wrong with this people and my food'she screamed inwardly.

"Mate!"a voice came from behind.

They all turned to look at where the voice came from,an equally hot guy was standing he had blonde hair and dark black eyes,it was the infamous Caleb.

"Caleb!" Apollo said smiling widely,which was kinda rear.

"Its been a long time J" he and Caleb did their hand shake thing and he sat down.

'So his name is J what sort of name is that,maybe nickname though.' Riele thought.

" Yeah "apollo replied curtly as if remembering something

Caleb turned and a welcoming smile played on his face when he saw Leah

"Hey Leah" he said while she smiled sheepishly.

"Hey"she tried diverting the attention by calling."Riele"

"Yeah" Riele answered.

"Is their something in your mouth" she asked

"No,why?" Riele was confused.

"You have been way too quiet, for someone that cannot keep her mouth shut for a minute" Leah complained.

Jess, Caleb and Apollo snorted trying not to laugh.

"So it wasn't only me that noticed" Apollo added.

Riele eyed him and said "I'm still angry at my food that both of you took" she pointed at Leah and Apollo"pay me back"she added,opening her two palm wide,one pointing at Leah on the left and the other at Apollo on the right.

Apollo dropped something on her palm she didn't look at it cause she was waiting for Leah to do the same,she waved her free hand at Leah telling her to be fast.

"Should I give you what he gave you?" Leah asked.

"Yes off course,why do you think my hands are still stretched out!" Riele said.

Leah brought out the receipt of her food and dropped it on Riele hand,Riele was about to scream at her when she noticed that it was the same thing Apollo gave her.

Everyone started laughing and she was about to explode before she did-

"I better start going, my class is about to begin " jess excused herself knowing what is to come.

"me two"Leah the second mastermind said while she and jess got up.

" I guess am the 'me three' "Caleb said joining them.

"Bye Riele" both Leah and jess chorused.

Her head snapped to the only available mastermind

"What?" He said innocently.

"Go and ask Satan when I'm done with you" she said slowly grabbing her rubber fork,before she could point it he said.

"How do you expect me to pay you for just a sip,you're supposed to be thanking me for gracing your drink"

"O I'm so sorry,then i will have to pay you back by gracing you with my fork" she was already targeting his pretty face when he sighed and said "fine".

He brought out hundred dollars from his pocket and gave her.

" you made the right decision "she smiled in satisfaction and kept the money in her purse.

"So the name is Riele huh?" Apollo said still looking at his phone

"Yup,and yours is J,I have a question." She remembered Caleb calling him J.

"Is it J the alphabet or J as in JAY or even J.A.I.L" she spelled the last one out.

"Its J as in Jason "he answered

"Then it should have been jas"she said.

" don't like it "he answered.

"Since we are the only one not having class right now would you show me around?"Jason asked.

"We not the only one not having class,there are like hundred student not having class, and i'm not taking you anywhere with me!"riele said flatly.

"Not my problem,let's go" he said then got up.

'This idiot has some issues'she sighed.

She walked briskly to catch up with him cause she was busy taking one last painful bite on her pizza.

"Since you are the supposed new student,can i ask another question."

"You ask a lot of question"Jason complained.

"Not really its just that I need more answer and it was only one i have ever asked."

"So what's this question going to be?"

"HSU don't accept new students after they begin the semester why did they accept you?"

"News do fly around quickly" he mumbled.

"That's why the acronym is North East West and South ,so it flies to all direction"riele said sarcastically.

"I guess, but its surprising you know that"he scanned her.

"What! I once had a ninety seven percent perfect grade when i was in high school" she defended,still in disbelief that she was looked down on.

"You call ninety seven perfect,I had hundred percent through out."

"Its so believable" she said showing her sarcasm,"you still haven't answered my question. "

"My grades"he answered tersely

"What happened to them?"

"It was so perfect they couldn't deny me"he said to her with a smirk on his face.


"This school even had the nerves to set another exams for me"he added.

"That i can believe this school has a thing for exams"


"For someone who doesn't know his way around you're doing pretty good,are you sure you don't know your way?"she asked because he was the one leading the way.

"I don't,i'm actually following those people" he pointed at some group of people walking ahead of them,they entered an hallway which they followed.

"We are so gonna get lost!"

"What's your hobby"he said succinctly.

"traveling"Riele squealed.

"Really" he smirked.

"Yes,you know I grow up in different countries should I continue"

"Yeah,why are you asking if you're going to end up telling me"Jason said.

She was really going to say it even if he said no "well I was born in Australia a year later my mom and dad decided to take a one year holiday to London where my dad is from,after that we came back to Australia,my mom and dad then moved to American when I was five" she said with a little weight on her chest when she mentioned the last part"i'm currently in Canada "

"You said you grew up in different countries,you aren't supposed to add Canada cause from what i am seeing now you already old" he snickered.

"I'm not old,I'm just nineteen,and beside if you call this old"she took a pose "then you most be visually impaired" she scoffed.

"You could try more, cause i'm only seeing an old lady,the only difference is you haven't gotten to the dementia stage."

"Jerk"riele spat

" a good one at that,do you have any lecture tomorrow?"


"Are you going anywhere?"he added.

"Not really my plans is kinda empty,why you asking?"

He stopped walking"Let's go somewhere would you?" he said.

"Are you planning on kidnapping me cause if you are, just want to let you know I have a black belt in karate!" She said lifting her leg slightly and setting her hands in position.

"Are you sure you aren't colour blinded cause from what I can see they gave you a white belt?" He said while trying to contain his laughter,she couldn't stand straight with one leg.

"Idiot!"she glowered.

"So would you come along?"