Leah didn't go back home because of Riele's makeover,they succeeded in that,but when they wanted to try their luck in straightening Riele's hair trouble struck.
"Get does things away from me Jess."riele said while she jumped on the bed with a make-up stick 'what's it even called'she didn't know was in her hands.
"Its not going to bite just stay"jess said coming after her slowly.
"I don't care,please I don't want it,and stay right there or I won't hesitate to use this" riele stretched the stick a little bit forward.
"You will look pretty in it" Leah interjected.
"I have never tried it before so you can't tell,why are you guys making a fuss out of it!" Riele complained.
"Ugh!!"Jess growled out of frustration
"Leave her alone Jess,we should have done this while she was sleeping"Leah sighed, running her hands through her hair.
"I'm not a koala Leah! i'm a light sleeper so I would certainly wake up" Riele lied,they would be an earthquake but she wouldn't even flinch from it.
" Yeah you would wake up to your hand and legs tied up"Jess said sitting on her own bed.
"You can come down now we give up" Leah added,joining jess on her bed.
Riele came down from the bed and dropped the stick."Since you guys have given that up,can you help me curl my hair more"she said giving them a puppy eyes.
Jess hissed while Leah sighed"Fine!"Leah said as she got up and took the curler.
After ten minutes she was done with it.
"Perfect!!"Leah exclaimed
"I don't think this is your first time curling someone's hair,why are you so happy about it?"Riele asked.
"Nothing much, I really wanted a younger sister so I can do this to her hair,every time"Leah was still smiling over her creation.
"Awwwwn,that's cute" Riele said
"Quit awwning you two idiot" Jess interrupted.
"She's just jealous because she got Nicky instead " Riele gave her a full blown smirk.
"Shut up! Nicky is cool sometimes he is just a little annoying most times"Jess tried defending her little brother.
"Who is Nicky "Leah asked confused by their discussion.
"Jessica's little brother" Riele said while jess answered "Riele crush"returning Riele type of smirk to her.
"You are crazy"Riele glared at her.
"Anyways call Jason and go put on your dress,what time did he say he would pick you up?"Leah asked.
"Ahm, he said eight and I don't have his number" Riele said.
"Are you freaking serious!!" Jess exclaimed.
"Yeah,why?"Riele asked
"Its 7:57 and you haven't worn your cloth ,shoes!you ought to be standing outside waiting for him by now "Jess said without breaking her words.
"i don't think she should do that"Leah countered.
"Thank you!at least someone here has her senses"riele sighed'what did she do in her past to have jess as a friend'.
"But I really think you should wear your dress now" Leah added.
"Fine!!"Riele grumbled.
She took her blue jeans palazzo trousers and a black turtleneck shirt to the bathroom. Her body was nice and all that but she wasn't always comfortable changing in front of people. she put them on and came out of the bathroom with Jess and Leah starring at her with their eyes wide open.
"What!"Riele asked.
"You look beautiful"
"You look ugly"
Leah and Jess chorused respectively.
Leah smacked Jess on the head."stop lying"she told jess.
"Don't mind her Leah, Jess has a thing for lying" Riele answered.
"No I don't"Jess denied.
"Yes you do"this time riele and Leah chorused.
"Whatever "jess replied.
Riele then put on her blue heels and her round silver ear rings,just in time a knock came from the door, Leah got up and answered it.
"Hi "Leah replied.
"What are you doing here?" Leah said again.
'What!his this girl going crazy' jess and Riele thought,they both exchanged confused glances at each other.
Jason didn't answer knowing what was going on with her,seeing that Leah was acting weird Riele walked up to her because from where she was she couldn't see what was happening properly.
"Leah are you okay?" She asked but to her surprise it wasn't only Jason that was at the door,Joel was at his back.
"I came to apologize,I looked for you at your house but you weren't there so I traced you here."Joel explained.
"You traced her here you just intruded her privacy,are you crazy!" Riele said getting irked.
"Its non of your business stay out of it" Joel answered still not looking at Riele.
Jess sensed the change in temperature,she came standing next to Riele watching the drama.
"It would be her business when you get arrested for violating that" Jason turned his head towards Joel who was now at his side " do you mind leaving now or should I help you leave."he said with his tone so deep.
For a seconds riele forgot he was there,she was busy thinking of a thousand ways to kill them guy named Joel.
Joel didn't know who was standing at is front at first when realization hit him he panicked ,he turned to look at leah and muttered "I would see you later" before walking away,he was so inaudible and his voice was somewhat shaking.
Leah exhaled in relieve.
"Are you okay" jess asked her
"Yeah" she answered the worried jess,"i'm sorry for the obstruction" she turned to Riele and Jason.
"No problem" Riele answered giving her a side hug.
"Okay, be going!"Leah said
"Are you chasing me?" Riele faked being hurt.
"Nah just go"Leah was desperate for them to go so she could get some juicy gossip later.
Riele walked out with Jason,not failing to notice his clothes,he was wearing an orange turtle neck shirt with a printed yellow hoodie over it,a blue jeans with a matching sneaker. For some unknown reason she thought he would come wearing all black.
When they got to the parking lot Jason nudge Riele toward a car,bringing her back from her thoughts.
"Is this yours"she exclaimed.
"Nope it was rented" he answered nonchalantly.
"Why would you rent a car that cost a fortune when you can actually buy a cheap car with half of the money? "She asked finding it hard to believe.
"Because I want to,are you going to stand here asking me questions or enter the car."
Riele could not believe her eyes,this was her first time entering such a limited edition car,she saw it on movies but never did she imagine she would be in it one day,'even if it isn't mine,it isn't his either so why not enjoy it while it last 'she thought but thinking was always different from implementing.She entered the car careful not to spoil or move anything out of place cause even if she sold all her belongings it won't go anywhere with this car.
"If you keep looking like that I would begin to think you have feelings for the car"Jason smirked while pulling out of the parking space.
"It would be more nicer to have it with a car than you or anybody!besides that spot is already taken."
"By who?" He asked curiously.
"A human being" she rolled her eyes.
"Is that true!I taught it was a beauty and the beast situation."
Her eyes widen at what he just said.
"What!!"he asked confused.
"You just called me beautiful"a smiled plastered on her face so widely and almost contagious.
"No I didn't I was referring to the story,if you were involved yours would be a beast and beast story"he spoilt everything.
The once brilliant smile on Riele's face turned sour within a minute
"Its not like you are any better than a beast"she retorted.
"O really?if you claim to be the beauty then you are certainly going to fall for a beast like me?" Jason twisted the whole situation.
"Never"Riele said with disgust,not because he is disgusting but the fact that his attitude was extremely shameless.
"That aside,where are you taking me,this area looks desolate, I can only see trees?" Riele tried searching for any living thing available but there was none.
"You being kidnapped" he answered carelessly not knowing how it would affect her.
"What!!"she began to panic.
"Yeah,I sold you to buy this car" he said while stopping the car.
She lifted an item that was in her hands not taking a good look at it"don't move or I would not hesitate to hit you "she raised the item in her hand a little higher above her head.
"In case threatening a person with a phone isn't embarrassing enough for you, it is for me,but off course only on your behalf. "Jason rolled his eyes.
She noticed that the item in her hands was a phone,and not something useful ,'nice one rieya!'she complained 'but desperate times calls for desperate measure' rieya defended. She was about to open the door and jump out before that she heard him burst into series of laughter,she then realized he was joking.
"That wasn't funny you almost gave me an heart attack "Riele screamed then brought her hands to her chest checking if she was still breathing.
"Your expression was-" he bursted into another round of laughter.
"Ughhhhh! "Why on earth did I decide to even leave my house not to mention with you!!" She yelled.
"Cool it down girl" his laughter slowly reduced to snorts.
Riele exhaled trying to bring her anger to the minimum .Jason got out of the car while she followed,he lead her into a bushie part way, it got to an extent it wasn't actually that bushie the part way was clear.
"Where is this place?"
"More walking less talking"Jason answered seeing that she was about five feet behind.
"Idiot"she increased her pace a little.
Jason stopped walking while riele attention was no longer on where she was going but on the annoying branch scratching her legs from her trousers when she noticed that he stopped she bent down to pick off the branches stuck at the end of her trousers,after struggling with one of the stupid branch that married her trousers she looked up.
She couldn't believe the transformation that occurred ,she tried cleaning her eyes to see if it was only her imagination playing its usual tricks on her,but it was the same result staring at her.
"Omg" she exclaimed.